Part 12

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At theerapanyakul mansion

Phayu and prapai came inside and saw everyone around net who sitting on sofa crying badly and porsche and sam trying to comfort him

They go to him and porsche saw and said with tears "sons! please tell them don't separate net or james! that was a mistake! and see net is crying so much they can't do that"

Phayu and Prapai look at eachother and phayu said "papa porsche we tried to talk to uncle lian but he is so angry that he didn't talk to us even he didn't listen uncle kuea and locked james in his room"

Net look up and said "no! don't do that to my james! it's was my fault don't hurt my james!" saying that he start crying more loudly

"oh my poor's looking like james is your mate....but...don't worry everything will get alright..." tankhun said with dramatic crying

Net stop and look at him and said "um...papa porsche...."

"yes baby..tell what you want to say..." porsche said while rubbing his back

"first promise won't get angry..." net said and looking at him with sad face

"no baby we won't get angry on you tell us" kinn said and net nodded and said with stuttering " m-mate..."

That make everyone look at him with shocked "what!?" porsche exclaimed and that make net more scared

"are you saying truth net??" pete asked "tell us it's true??" vegas also asked

Net nodded in fear and said "yeah...when...w-we do that....james got passed out...but i was awake and then when...i did...our both bodies screamed mate...and then...i got to know...he is my mate...he is my omega.."

Everyone looking at net in stunned expression net got panic that they are going to scold him because james is his mate

But they didn't scold him instead of it they shout with happiness "OH MY GOD!! I CAN'T BELIEVE!!" sam exclaimed

"oh our cutiepie found his mate omg omg!!" porsche said with excitement "woah...he found his mate before us right prapai??" phayu said with smile

But prapai didn't respond that make everyone suspicious "pai? what happen? don't tell me you also found your mate?" vegas asked with a look

Prapai nodded and said "yeah...i found my mate when we came back to my mate....when we came back i went to club and saw him we did ONS...and then i found..but he don't know that....and i was also don't want relationship so i thought it was waste i pursued sky for another ONS....but now i start having feelings towards him...."

Prapai said with pout and got a smack on his head by porsche "ow! papa! why did you hit me!" Prapai said while rubbing the spot where porsche hit him

"are you mad!! you found your mate long time ago! you thought it! it was waste! you are the waste! omg what a stupid son i have!!" porsche scold him

"really i don't know you are that stupid p'pai!" sam mocked him and he pout and said "but now i love him...and want him to be my omega!"

"yeah and that's your responsibility to make sky love you back!!" kinn said Prapai nodded with pout

Everyone now look at net and porsche kissed his forehead and said "baby...tell me do you like james hm?"

Net look at him nodded and said "yeah..i like him...when we did...i got to know..i love james so much...but i don't want him to get separate from i don't want tell him that...i am his mate.."

"no have to tell him! he is your mate and you two are mean to be together you can't let him go like this" pete said and net replied "but...his dada don't like me..."

"so you have to make his dada trust on you that you can take care of his princess well na...but first tomorrow you will go and apologized to them what you and james did okay and tell them you are james mate okay" sam said with smile

"and we know you can do it son" vegas said and everyone also said "yes you can do it!!"

That make net smiled and he said "yes i can! i will make my james mine!" everyone smiled to him and kinn came to Prapai and twisted his ear

"oi!! what are you doing!!" prapai groan and kinn said "you also have to make sky yours understand! i want my two son-in-laws in our house soon!"

prapai nodded and kinn let go his ear "and you venice when are you going to find your mate?" pete asked to phayu

Phayu rolled his eyes and said "pa you know i don't like relationship!"

Vegas smacked his head and said "if you didn't find your mate soon i will kick you out of my house!"

"what? dad you can't do that!" phayu said and sam said with laugh "i think little rain is your mate p' two even look good together..."

That make everyone laugh and prapai look at phayu who didn't laugh and he saw from close that his cheeks are getting pink

"oh my god!! look at that!! venice is blushing!!" prapai said with loud voice and everyone look at him and got shocked and laugh

Phayu came in his senses and said "huh? am not blushing..."

Everyone didn't say anything just laugh to see phayu denying them that he didn't like rain


Here in Wang's mansion at midnight,james sleeping while he feel a hand on his head he open his eyes slowly and saw lian sitting beside

James turn his face away from him and said "leave me....daddy hate james!" lian smiled and said "princess...when did i say i hate you baby hm"

"no! daddy hate james! james will never talk to him!!" james said crossed his arms

Lian laughed and said "okay...i came here because i thought my princess would be hungry so i made his favorite fried pork with garlic on rice it's okay i will eat it"

saying that he took the plate and was about to go when james get up and held his hands "no! i want to eat! james is hungry!" james said with a pout

Lian smiled and gave him the plate and sat beside him on bed and seeing his princess who eating very messily

After eating james put the plate on side and hug Lian and said with pout "i am sorry daddy...james is so sorry that james did that instead of telling you..."

Lian caress his hair and said "it's okay i am happy that my princess understand everything now...but baby i can't let you go close to net so i admissioned you in another uni"

That make james shocked and he look at lian and said "daddy! don't do this!! please i promise we won't do anything like that again but please don't do this naa"

Lian shook his head and said "no princess...i am sorry...but your daddy loves you so much...and i won't let you go with him again...daddy is really sorry if he is hurting his princess...but please princess for your daddy stay away from him please..."

James look at him with a little guilty and confuse face he feeling bad that his daddy first time pleading him that much but he don't want to stay away from net too he don't know what to do now

James nodded "okay you said...i will stay away from net..." james said with a little sad face

Lian smiled and brushed his hairs "that's my good go and sleep okay" lian said and get up from bed

"daddy...please sleep with me na...i don't want to sleep alone" james said with a pout

Lian sit back and said "okay my princess" saying that both lay on bed and james sleeps on lian's chest he loves to sleep on his daddy's chest

Lian rub his back and make him sleep comfortably and then he also slept

To be continued.......

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