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It had been two hours since I brought Daktari back. He was wounded badly and needed immediate treatment. It looked like they tortured him. He must have gotten away at the last minute.

I was lucky to find him alive, but his injuries were severe and he wasn't able to hold on another minute. I decided not to dwell on it; instead, I looked around for Jax.

He was supposed to take care of his brother. Instead, he left him for dead, left us for dead. I was so furious with him I could beat him to a pulp.

As I searched for him, my anger simmered beneath the surface, fueling my persistence to find him and make him pay for what he'd done. He couldn't just abandon his own brother like that, it wasn't fair.

Finally, I spotted him in the distance, slinking away from the scene as if nothing had happened. Rage bubbled up inside me as I stormed towards him, my fists clenched at my sides.

"Jax!" I called out, my voice sharp with anger. "You coward! How could you leave him like that?"

He turned to face me, his expression guilty and defensive. "I-I didn't mean to," he stammered, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"You didn't mean to?" I spat, my voice rising with each word. "He was your brother, Jax. Your own flesh and blood. And you left him to die!"

Tears of frustration and anger welled up in my eyes as I approached him, my fists trembling with rage. He cowered before me, realizing the gravity of his actions.

"I-I'm sorry," he whispered, but it was too little, too late.

I couldn't forgive him for what he'd done, for abandoning his little brother. And as I stood before him, seething with anger and betrayal, I couldn't help but wonder how Daktari felt all alone in the forest.

Probably crying out for his brother, for me, to come rescue him. Only to be led by disappointment when we didn't show.

As Jax cowered before me, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. Anger and frustration boiled over, driving me to action. Without another word, I lunged forward, my fist connecting with his jaw with a satisfying thud.

Jax stumbled backward, shock and pain written across his face.
But I wasn't finished yet. I jolted towards him, raining blow after blow, fueled by the betrayal and anger coursing through me.

He tried to defend himself, but his feeble attempts only fueled my fury. I could tell he wasn't even trying to fight back. This made me even more furious. I was relentless, my fists a blur as I unleashed years of pent-up frustration and rage.

Finally, he crumpled to the ground, bloodied and bruised, his eyes wide with fear and pain. But even as he lay there, beaten and broken, I felt no satisfaction, no sense of vindication.

Instead, a hollow emptiness filled me, a realization of the futility of my actions. I had sought revenge, but it had brought me no solace, no peace. Only more pain, more suffering.

With a heavy heart, I turned away from Jax, leaving him lying there in the dirt. There was nothing more to be done here, no amount of violence that could undo the damage that had been done.

But as I walked away, a new strength of will burned within me. I couldn't change the past, couldn't undo the mistakes that had been made. But I could fight for a better future, for my people, for Daktari.


Word got around of me fighting with Jax. Indra was infuriated, and by the time she came to scold and lecture, all she did was stare at me.

She didn't look disappointed nor proud that I finally showed my strength; she looked concerned. I sat in front of her with tears in my eyes.

If I lose Aislinn or Lincoln, I will not be able to go on. They are the only people I have left. Indra didn't know it, but I was afraid I'd lose her too. There have been far too many losses in my life. I was done letting that choose who I was as a person.

"I was born to be a warrior. I will no longer let people define me as weak," I declared, my voice steady despite the tears threatening to spill over.

Indra studied me for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then, with a sigh, she reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Juniper, strength is not measured by the battles you win or the fights you engage in," she said softly. "It is measured by the courage it takes to stand back up after every defeat, to keep fighting even when the odds are stacked against you."

I wiped away my tears, a newfound perseverance burning in my chest. "Thank you, Indra," I said, my voice filled with gratitude. "But you've longed for this strength to be a part of me my whole life."

Indra's expression softened, a rare moment of warmth in her otherwise stern demeanor. "You have always had this strength, Juniper. It just needed to be awakened."

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her words settle within me. "I'm dedicated to fighting in the war against the sky people," I declared, my voice resolute.

Indra nodded, her eyes gleaming with approval. "Then we will fight together."

Her words resonated deeply with me. I knew that this war would test me in ways I had never imagined, but I was ready. For Daktari, for my village, and for myself.

As I prepared to leave, Indra placed a hand on my shoulder. "Stay vigilant, Juno. Your father would be proud."

I nodded, feeling a surge of establishment. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but I was no longer the scared girl hiding from her destiny. I was a warrior, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With a final nod to Indra, I turned and walked away, the fire of resolve burning bright within me. The sky people would know the strength of the Grounders, and I would lead the charge.

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