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I lay on my bed, feeling the weight of the fever pressing down on me. My body ached, and every breath felt like a struggle.

I was too weak to move, too tired to even cry. The world around me blurred, and I could barely make out the familiar shapes of our hut.

My mother, with her soft and gentle presence, came to my side. She sat down beside me, her hands cool and comforting on my burning skin.

Her touch alone made me feel a little bit better, a small oasis of relief in the desert of my illness.

"Shh, Junie," she whispered, her voice like a soothing melody. "Everything is going to be okay."

I tried to focus on her words, on the reassurance they brought. She wrapped her arms around me, holding me close. I could feel her heartbeat, steady and strong, grounding me in the moment.

She began to hum a song, one I had heard many times before. It was a lullaby she used to sing to me when I was little, a tune that carried the promise of peace and safety. The melody floated around us, wrapping me in a cocoon of calm.

As she hummed, she spoke softly, her words weaving into the music. "You are so strong, my little Junie. This illness will pass, just like everything else. You have a bright future ahead of you, and I know you will face many challenges. But you will overcome them, just as you always have."

Her words felt like a balm to my weary soul. Despite the pain and the fever, I found myself relaxing in her embrace. The world outside our hut faded away, leaving only the warmth of her love and the gentle hum of her song.

"Life will not always be easy," she continued, her voice barely more than a whisper. "You will face hardships and dangers, but you will also find joy and love. Remember, no matter how difficult things may seem, you have the strength to get through them."

Her words carried a wisdom that I clung to, even in my weakened state. I believed her, trusted in her strength and her faith in me.

She had always been my rock, my guiding star, and even now, she was here, helping me find my way through the darkness.

"Everything will be okay," she repeated, her voice a soft lullaby in itself. "Rest now, my sweet Juniper. Let the fever break, and you will see the morning light again."

I closed my eyes, letting her words and the melody of her song carry me into a peaceful sleep. In her arms, I felt safe, protected from the world and all its troubles.

And in that moment, I knew that no matter what the future held, as long as I had my mother's love, I would be okay.


The forest was dense, the shadows long and deep as I navigated the familiar terrain. My footsteps were quiet, barely disturbing the thick carpet of leaves beneath me.

The air was tense, charged with the anticipation of imminent conflict. My clan was preparing for war, and I was out here, seeking them, ready to join the fight.

As I walked, I found myself humming a familiar tune, the same lullaby my mother used to calm me with when I was a child.

The melody was a thread connecting me to her, to the strength and comfort she had always provided. It floated through the forest, a gentle counterpoint to the tension that surrounded me.

The song carried me back to those moments of peace and safety, when my mother held me and promised that everything would be okay.

Even now, in the midst of uncertainty and danger, that promise felt like a lifeline. I hummed the tune softly, the notes blending with the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds.

Fragments of war: Unlikely Alliances || The 100 [Part 1]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon