Letter 1

20 4 1

Mama, where are you? I got off the bus today after school and you weren't there to pick me up. I walked the rest of the way home, but your car wasn't here either. I unlocked the door, but when I went to the bedroom your share with Daddy, I found it a mess. All Daddy's clothes were on the floor, your paintings were gone, and none of your dresses or shoes were in the closet.

Where are you, Mama? What am I supposed to tell Dylan? And Dally? Oh, Mama, what am I supposed to tell Dally? She's gonna be so confused!

Are you coming home soon? Did Daddy make you leave? Are you just on a business trip for work? I'm gonna leave this note outside on the porch swing tonight, just in case you come home.

I love you, Mama. Hopefully you come home soon. I already miss you.



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