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Today I am supposed to be driving my woman to Durban for her big interview. Things have been going well between the two of us ever since we made it official. I thought that she wouldn’t have time for me since she has been busy with the opening of her restaurant. But she has been showing effort and I truly appreciate it.

Her doctor has not cleared her for long distance travelling. Even for short distance. But Hlengi is very stubborn. She loves doing things for herself. She spent the night at my house so that we could get ready together for the interview but I had to leave early because I had an emergency. I told her it was an emergency but the truth of the matter is Nomfundo called telling me she had stomach cramps. So I had to rush to her so that I could take her to the doctor.

I lied to Hlengi but I am not ready to tell her the truth about the baby. I am not even sure if it’s my child or not. So I don’t want to low things out of proportion for something that might not even be there. I get to Nomfundo’s place and head straight to her room. She is renting some back room at Esikhawini but she has a home nearby. She just loves her freedom too much. I find her moaning in her room. She is sitting on the floor sweating like crazy.

“Mfundo.” I call out as I move closer and she looks up. She cries when she sees me.
“It hurts so bad, Mbu.” She weeps and I help her stand up.
“It’s going to be okay. Let’s go.”

She points at her handbag and I take it before I lead us to the car. We get inside and I quickly drive out. Getting to the hospital sooner might not be what’s right for her, so I rush her to Doctor Gama who is a general practitioner at the J2 section. When we get there, I inform the reception ladies of the situation we are facing and I pay before the doctor calls us in. Doctor Gama examines her and then gives her some medication that knocks her off.

“Good thing you brought her here early. Otherwise we would be having a different conversation. I am not an expert in pregnancy but I was able to keep the mother and baby out of harm’s way. Her blood pressure was too high, so we had to stabilize it. I am writing a referral letter to Melomed so that you can take her to a specialist there.”

“Thank you, doctor.”
He smiles. “Take care of her. A woman in her condition shouldn’t be stressed. She is fragile. Therefore, treat her right.”
“Will do.” This is going to be tough. “Can I step outside for a bit? I need to make a phone call.”
“Go ahead. We need to wait for her to wake up before you guys and leave. I need to check her once more before letting her go.”  I nod and then head outside. I take out my phone and exhale loudly before making a phone call.

“Ndodana.” My father answers and I am glad he answered quickly.
“Baba, I am in deep shit.”
I am listening.”
I am at the doctor’s office. Nomfundo had some cramps and I had to bring her here. The doctor said her blood pressure was too high and they stabilized it. When she wakes up, I will have to take her to the hospital.”
He sighs. “That sounds terrible, son. I hope she gets better and I hope my grandchild is not affected.”

I hope so too.” I clear my throat. “Um, dad, are you still at KwaMbonambi?” he had commitments there and he said we will meet up later for drinks before he drives back to Durban.
“Yeah but I am about to drive to Richards Bay.” He is my only hope right now. I have never asked him for a favour like this. If I had a brother nearby, I would ask them.

I know this is inconveniencing you but Hlengiwe has a big interview with Ukhozi FM today at 2pm. She needs to be in Durban by 1pm. I was supposed to drive her but I can’t leave Nomfundo at a time like this. Baba please, can you drive her to Durban? When she’s done with the interview, you can book her a flight back and I will fetch her at the airport. Please baba. I know this is not a nice thing to ask, but I have no one.”

He scoffs. “She can’t drive herself?”
“Baba I promised that I would be there for her on this special day. Please do this for me. I won’t bother you with any request of this sort in the future.”
“I doubt you won’t since it seems like you are turning into a polygamist.” Dad has zero chill. “Where is she?”

“I left her at my house.”
He curses under his breath. “I want an expensive bottle of whiskey for this.” He hangs up before I can say anything. I know he disapprove of me lying to Hlengi and he knows I haven’t come clean about this. Not even my friends know. But it seems like I wont be able to sweep things under the rug for too long.



This man left because of a work emergency and he hasn’t called or an update. An hour has passed since he left. I called and texted him but he is ignoring me. I understand it’s a work emergency but I cant afford to be late. Not today. I am already dressed up and ready to leave. I know Doctor Mniki said I couldn’t drive but if Mbulelo doesn’t come back in an hour or contact me, I will have to drive myself. But that means I wont come back today.

I drag my ass to the kitchen and take out an ice cream tub from the fridge. I sit on the counter and start eating it slowly. I am already dressed up for my trip. The only thing that is left is my driver. I know what type of questions to expect from the interview, so I am ready for that too. I hear a car drive in and I sigh in relief. Finally the man is here. I try to get off the counter but then I remember I have one functioning ankle and if I land on it, I might make it burn. I guess he will have to get me off here.

I hear footsteps come into the kitchen and I turn my head. I immediately frown when I see someone who is not Mbulelo, standing in the doorway. He is handsome, I won’t lie. He looks a bit old but maybe in his late thirties. He is a bit buffy and... God Hlengi. Get your mind off the gutter. You’re taken.

“You must be Hlengiwe.” That deep voice does something. But he looks familiar. I squint my eyes at him and it clicks in my mind. He looks a bit like Mbulelo. This must be his big brother.
“Yes, and who might you be? Sorry if that sounds to invasive.” He chuckles and I close my mental eyes. I am not being charmed Mbulelo’s brother. Not in this life time.

“I am Melisizwe Mzimela. Mbulelo’s father.” Say what? Mbulelo’s father is this young and fresh? Hebana! Why does this makes me feel so old? Like I wanna ask how he is but I don’t wanna come off rude. This might be my future father-in-law. Wow. This is wild.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Mzimela.”

“Same here. My son told me that you need a chauffer and I happen to be going to Durban. So I am going to be your ride for now. You will come back with a plane.” Plane? That’s too drastic, don’t you think? But I don’t care about my return, as long as I get to Durban and do my interview I time. “So we can go whenever you’re ready.” He turns back and I clear my throat. He looks at me.

“I need some assistance getting down from here.” He frowns but comes to me nonetheless. He places his strong hands on my waist and helps me down. My God. His touch. Get your mind off the gutter, Hlengi. You have a man. “Thank you.” I limp my way to the lounge and put on my surgical boot and take my bag. I see that he is waiting for me at the door.

“Now it makes sense.” I raises my eyebrow at him. “You needing someone to drive you.” We head outside and good Lord, the car this man is driving. Like what the fuck bazalwane? An Alfa Romeo Tonale Speciale Hybrid. I think I am going to be admiring everything about him until we get to our destination. Admiration is good. We all admire Bill Gates. That doesn’t mean we have feels towards him.

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