porter driving to Christopher lake Saskatchewan

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Porter was driving his mini Cooper on the road to Christopher lake Saskatchewan Canada he left saskatoon as he drove through the city of saskatoon Saskatchewan he stopped at every traffic light putting his paws on the brake pedal waiting for the traffic light to turn green once it turned green porter started to drive through the city of saskatoon driving under the over passes porter drove to the highway on the road to Christopher lake Saskatchewan porter drove to prince Albert he stopped at the gas station he filled up with gas at the gas station in prince Albert he then started up his mini Cooper he headed out to Christopher lake porter headed towards rosthern he finally made it to Christopher lake porter parked his car he looked at the lake porter then started up his mini Cooper he headed back to the highway going back he was going 110 kph on the highway with his one paw on the steering wheel with his other paw on the gas pedal porter was driving his mini Cooper seeing semi trucks and cars on the road he watched the road with his eyes while porter driving his mini Cooper on the road he really was watching the road as cars passed him he kept on driving his mini Cooper on the road Porter was driving his mini Cooper on the road he really was driving his mini Cooper on the road Porter kept on driving his mini Cooper there was lots of people who were surprised to see a dog Porter drove right passed them people didn't know that a dog could drive a car on the road with the mini Cooper he headed back to saskatoon porter driving back to saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada porter drove back to to saskatoon

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