Chapter One Hundred Twenty Two - A Place You Know

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After what transpired in the Manor, Aya and Saint Walker along with the others began chasing after NeoCat.

Jaune: I don't understand! Alyx, the Pleasers, now Ruby and Razer! What does this place want?

Saint Walker: We all know the answer to that question. We have always known the answer.

They arrive at a certain place. They dismount Juniper, looking at the waters of the destroyed village of the Paper Pleasers. Jaune stares at the Tree.

Jaune: I don't understand.... What did I do wrong?

Weiss: We can figure this out. There's got to be a way to get to the Tree.

???: Hello there.

Jaune and Weiss turn to see a red star-shaped crystal Afteran carrying a basket of berries.

Red Genial Gem: You appear upset. Would you be so kind as to tell me how I can help? Perhaps you are hungry?

Jaune: Huh? No, that's okay.

Red Genial Gem: If I can get you anything else, please don't hesitate to ask! That's what I'm here for!

Jaune: What? What are you?

The Yellow Genial Gem places their foot into the water.

Red Genial Gem: We are the Genial Gems, and we've arrived here to clean up this beautiful land and create something wonderful and pleasing.

Jaune watches the Genial Gems remove the parts of the former village of the Paper Pleasers. Then the Genial Gems wade through the waters and place their hands on it, a glowing light appears. The stream flutters in the air and transforms into a crystal structure.

Blake: This is them, isn't it? They're back.

Aya: It's just like they said. They came back from the Tree, better.

Saint Walker: This must be what Ascension means in this world. Not the end, but a new beginning.

Jaune: I'm trying so hard to save them... I stopped them from becoming what they needed to be. I was being selfish because I...I wanted the rush of rescuing someone and I got that here.

Weiss: I think you're asking too much of yourself. We've been telling ourselves that failing means we're no good. But I can guarantee even the best Huntsmen in history...they've all lost. But they were still incredibly brave... and good.

Jaune begins to tear up.

Jaune: Weiss....

Weiss hugs Jaune, with Blake and Yang doing the same.

Jaune: Maybe that Cat was right... Maybe I just needed to accept it. It's not a place you go.

The myriad of the multi-colored leaves from the Great Tree engulfs the group. They find themselves transported inside the Tree. They walk, passing the branches. Weiss pulls one branch off another and becomes shocked to see the , now encased in wood. Yang walks forward between them, looking in both directions before noticing something.

Yang: R-Ruby?!

Yang runs in that direction and stops, standing in front of Ruby's wooden form. She steps forward and places both of her hands on the shoulders of her sister then resting her head on Ruby's. Yang's eyes open as she feels something and immediately begins breaking the branches around Ruby. Jaune and Weiss stare at her as Blake is the last to show up. Jaune notices what Yang is doing and walks towards her, about to place his hand on her shoulder. Next to Ruby's wooden form was Razer's. Aya ran scans on both Razer and Aya.

Aya: I'm...I'm getting faint signals from them. They're alive!

Yang: We....we have to get them out!

Jaune: I think I get it. This is how we got here, or... why the Tree brought us here. Acceptance.

Weiss: We've done everything we can. Now it's up to Ruby and Razer. Whatever happens next... we have to welcome that.

Saint Walker: Razer and Ruby Rose must face whatever challenges the Tree has to offer.

A sound breaks the tension as the group looks in its direction. The sound continues as the Herbalist's sculpture breaks, revealing blue butterfly wings. The Herbalist stretches, cracks his knuckles, looks around, then begins to fly towards the sky.

Blake: Maybe....that's not for us to decide.

Blake comforts Yang as she tears up. The wood-petrified Ruby continues to stand solemnly still. Suddenly, a banging sound was heard.

Jaune: What's that?

The sound gets louder, Jaune moving two branches out of his way as he sees a giant, glowing door, wide open. Weiss's eyes widen as Blake steps forward.

Blake: Is that...?

Jaune: Our way home!

At the doorway, the Curious Cat possessing Neo's body is pushed back. They desperately try to get through again, but to no avail. They then notice Aya, Saint Walker, Team RWBY and Jaune.

NeoCat: Oh, good! You made it...

Weiss: I guess your little plan to get out of here isn't working?

NeoCat: You've always been the worst of the bunch.

Jaune: So Neo can't go through the door...

NeoCat: No. She has no attachments to your world. Nothing to return to. She has failed me... just like Alyx did. Not even her Ring could be of any help.

Blake: Like....Alyx?

NeoCat: That cowardly, wretched girl whose story you've been foolishly following all along. The same girl that I followed too. Because she promised me she would bring me back to with her. But in truth, she had no intention of taking me! No, after talking to the Tree, she had a sudden crisis of conscience! Decided she wanted to fix everything that she had broken in the Ever After! Including poor Jaune! So Lewis went, and in the very last moment....Alyx didn't....

Blake: What did you do to her?

NeoCat laughs maniacally, and then uses Neo's body to leap and slam the ground in front of the group. They pick up a piece of wood.

NeoCat: What anyone would do with a broken, useless thing.

As NeoCat breaks the wood, the Cat's claws then appear on Neo's arms. They prepare to rush forward, but then gasp as they notice something. NeoCat sees Ruby's petrified form still encased in wood.

NeoCat: She's still here.... Yes! All my's not lost! Deep down, she wants nothing more than to return to Remnant and play hero. I just need to cut her out, and she will take me there! And if she fails, that little suit rat will do!

Aya: No, whatever happens to Razer and Ruby is up to them, not you or anyone else. You will not interfere.

NeoCat: Then I'll put you in the ground!

In that moment, NeoCat prepared to battle against the group. But while the group battled against the Cat, Razer and Ruby would navigate through the Tree.

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