Chapter One Hundred Seventeen - Tempest

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After reuniting with Jaune, Razer and Aya along with Saint Walker and the rest of Team RWBY were still in shock to learn that he was actually the Rusted Knight.

Jaune: It....It's really you, right? When I saw you in the market...

Jaune hesitantly pauses and looks down. Tali and Team RWBY look at each other before looking at Jaune.

Ruby: Jaune. It's us.

Saint Walker: That's right, Jaune. We're here.

Aya and Team RWBY warmly hug Jaune. Little, who appears on top of Jaune's head, also hugs him. Jaune smiles with tears of joy. Razer and Saint Walker offer smiles and handshakes.

Razer: It's good to see you again.

Ruby: How did you find us?

Blake: How are you the Rusted Knight?

Yang: And when did you get so....

Weiss: Mature.

Ruby, Blake, and Yang all stare at Weiss as she blushes and collects herself.

Aya: Jaune...what happened in Atlas... after the rest of us fell?

Jaune: I, uh....Guess we've all got a lot of catching to do....

Jaune then leads the group through the Garden Acre. As he does so, he everything that has happened to him when he landed. As Jaune explained everything, they arrive in a flower field.

Ruby: She's... got two Relics now?

Yang: And with Cinder, the ability to get another.

Blake: She doesn't know where the Beacon Relic is!

Weiss: Well there's that to be thankful for at least.

Razer: Salem is the least of our worries. Atrocitus and the Red Lanterns will not stop until all of Remnant is in flames. And from there, his numbers will grow.

Aya: It doesn't matter now. We need to focus on getting back so we can stop the Red Lanterns and Salem.

As Razer and Aya said that, Ruby sits on a small rock

Ruby: We lost Atlas and the relic...

Blake: But we got everyone out safely. Jaune said so.

Weiss: We've risked their home to save the Relic... And we failed.

Blake: Getting everyone out has to count for something.

Ruby: What good is saving anybody if Salem just destroys the world anyway...

Everyone was taken aback by this. Yang places her arms on her sister's shoulder and leans in. At this point, the group decided to carry on. Razer, Aya and Saint Walker soon became concerned about Ruby. It was clear to her that everything that had happened began to take it's toll on Ruby. What Ruby was going through reminded her of what Shepard went through every time he lost someone.

Yang: So...Where're we going again?

Jaune: My village. Heh. I still can't believe you made it all the way from the Crimson Keep on your own.

Blake: Not on our own. We had help. The...Oh I hope the Cat is okay.

Jaune: What Cat?

As Jaune said this, the Curious Cat rejoins the group.

Curious Cat: Oh! Woo! I found you. Why is it you always find the thing you're looking for in the very last place you look, hah!

The Cat notices Jaune with Team RWBY.

Curious Cat: Jaune! Oho-my! It has been an indeterminant amount of time hasn't it? So, how've you been?

Weiss: Wait. You two know each other?

Ruby: Well, they'd have to. From the story.

Jaune angrily unsheathes his broken rusted Crocea Mors sword. Aya, Blake and Yang stop him.

Yang: Whoa, Jaune!

Blake: I think there's a misunderstanding. The Cat can get us all out of here.

Jaune: We don't have time for this! We've got to get to my village! Don't worry, we don't need a guide.

Curious Cat: But your friends wanted to go to the tree.

Jaune: That's where you're letting them take you?

Blake: Well, yeah. That's... that's how... Alyx got out. Right?

Jaune: You didn't tell them anything.

Curious Cat: No, that's simply not true. I told them plenty of things. A few any things and lots of somethings.

Weiss: Can somebody please make sense?!

Jaune: That tree is death.

Saint Walker, Ruby and Weiss turn to Jaune. Razer kept his eye on the Cat.

Jaune: It absorbs you, takes your memories, and turns you into something else. If you go there, it's going to erase you! They call it "Ascension" here. That's really what it is.

Ruby: Wait. The tree is what causes the Ascension?

Blake: That's what got the Herbalist. The roots of the tree.

Yang: Pretty curious that you neglected to mention that, Cat.

Curious Cat: Excellent pun-manship. But, you are not from here. It won't do that to you guys!

Jaune: Oh yeah? Then what happened to Lewis?

Ruby: Who?

Jaune: Alyx's brother.

Aya, Saint Walker and Team RWBY looks at the Cat in disbelief over the shocking revelation. Razer showed no visible reaction.

Aya: Blake? Did the story ever mention a brother?

Blake: That... That can't be right.

Yang: She had a brother? Why didn't you mention him?

Curious Cat: Well, you never asked, silly. It was always "Alyx this" and "Alyx that".

Weiss: We've been following the story the whole time, and it's not even true?

As the Curious Cat says this, A'Sharad glares at the Cat. He is on the verge of cutting down the Cat where they stood. A'Sharad shares Jaune's thought process.

Yang: So the Cat's been screwing with us this whole time?!

Curious Cat: I answered all the questions you asked. You simply didn't specify. Perhaps you should ask the Enkindler about Alyx and Lewis?

Razer: You are trying my patience, Cat.

The thunder returns the third time, louder than the previous as the wind begins to pick up.

Jaune: Let's go. I've got a plan.

Curious Cat: A lot of good that's done after... what? How many years?

Ruby: Can everyone please stop! This is a lot to take in....

Saint Walker: Ruby's right. We need to keep forward. We still need to find a way back.

Curious Cat: Huh. Looks like we're stuck at a crossroads then....

Jaune: No!!!

Suddenly, a flash of light engulfs the entire group. When the flash was over, the group was no longer in the grass fields.

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