15.💗Like Spending time with her?

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(Read this chapter, with less volume for vibes✨💘 don't know why but female version feels like advika and male version feels like rudra 💕- look at lyrics of this song😭)

Please read rudra pov deeply here!
I have written his feelings here for advika !! So please give this chapter love❤️ and that's the main reason reason this chapter is important 🎀✨

Happy reading 🧸🦄✨


I think ,I have not been in my senses from last few months since advika have joined !

It's just I do things for her , which I can never do anyone !

I don't wanna feel this way for her ! Not just for her but for no one.

The things she is doing to me is just confusing my feelings and understanding for my own self .

I want to neglect her ! Ignore her ! But it's not happening! Everytime I am with her , it feels peace, feels good that someone if here with me . I don't wanna get habitual to anyone, any person! Don't wanna get addicted to her .

I want to be with her but at the same time I'm afraid that she'll leave me like everyone's else did in the past. The only reason I don't wanna be around her.

"People leave once they find out or realise that they are your weakness!"

Analysing each and every thing I have done in these past months doesn't make me....."ME".

It feels like , I'm not me , I have never let anyone come near me . Yeah I do came in relationships but I never opened up with them like I did with ADVIKA.

Today , I talked to her ! After our conversation she didn't looked satisfied, did I said something which is degrading my confidence in front of her ?

But I just said what I wanted to ......at that time I didn't thought what will be her reaction.

I was comfortable with her . Not just this time , but everytime I'm with her it just feels like I can share anything with her . But what if this thing will become a barrier that she doesn't want to meet me or face me anymore ?

This has happened with me in the past , my relationships were broke and fall apart because of this ! They found how weak and helpless I am ! I had panic attacks earlier in front of them , the only reason they broke up with me . Obviously no one wants a person to be their partner with panic attacks and anxiety right!?

Right now I'm at a restaurant, surrounded with people. It's better this way ! If I'll go home things will haunt me , my flashbacks will haunt me , I don't want that.

Also I don't wanna show my worst side to advika ! She is the daughter of we'll established business men , who is our competitor! But why? Isn't this something to should get suspicious?

I don't know about her much , but why everything feels smooth flowing with her ? It's feels good ! I don't wanna lie to myself now!
Yeah I feel good when I am with her but.......

That's when a waiter comes to ask me about my order , that's when I remembered advika's words when she said she wanted to eat momos of this place yeah.....I'm at the same cafe ! More like a restaurant but name is "cafe" didn't understand this sense.

It's not like I have never been here! I have been here before with my parents! That's was the last time I came here with the, I can't wipeoff the memory, the same day the accident happened.

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