007. knew i should've kept my ass inside.

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TYLA knocked on the front door of rakim's shared apartment and got no answer. she knocked again, and no answer again. so she twisted the doorknob and to her surprise it opened.

"they not afraid of being robbed or sum." she whispered to herself. she walked up the small set of stairs to the rooms where she familiarised herself with rocky's room.

she didn't knock knowing that he obviously wasn't home and entered his messy room. tyla just wanted to get the job done and started looking through his drawers for the key. but of because how disorganised stuff was it was difficult for her. after about ten minutes of searching she found two keys and tried both of them, and luckily one of them worked and opened the compartment.

the inside of the compartment was covered with old pictures and newspapers so she carefully picked them up and moved them to the side, revealing a black pistol. she had to move that out of the way aswell and did so carefully because she doesn't know a thing about guns. and there was sat a bunch of 100 dollar bills stacked nicely and tied up carefully.

tyla didn't know about how much his bail would cost so she took the whole thing and stuffed it in her handbag. sge put everything back not paying any mind to the things she saw in there, and she left the house and booked an uber to the jail.


"so why the fuck you at my house for with blood spilling outta you?" tyler asked dom.

"it doesn't matter."

"alright get out then, since it 'don't matter'." tyler mocked him.

"some niggas were following me and shit, 6 against me, ended up how it ended up."

"and no one's looking out for you?" tyler asked concerned.

"ferg and em were coming they ain't know i'm here tho."

"i know i called him, he hates me tho."

"how you get his number??"

tyler pulled out a phone from his pocket that belonged to dom. "you really gotta be careful round here, i'm not even surprised you got shot out dude."

"shut the fuck up. and gimme my phone." he snatched from tyler.

"shut the fuck down nigga." he laughed.

someone knocked on the door over and over agin getting more aggresssive. "that's prolly your friend... go then!!"

"ight, i'll see you?"

"nah i'm going back to cali in like... 5 days."

"alright then, later." he went to the door and opened it leaving the house.

"where's rocky?" dom asked ferg.

"nigga went to go get himself arrested, assualt or some shit."

"he called you?"

"nah." to be honest, ferg didn't really care if he was in jail, he was mad at him at the moment.

time skip

"how can i help you?" the lady at the desk said to tyla.

"uhh, i'm not sure where to go to pay bail, is it here?" she asked the older woman.

"yes, it's here. who are you paying for?"

"um, ro- rakim."

"last name?"

"that doesn't matter." she said nervously.

"you don't know?" she deadpanned. she turned her computer around and showed her three mugshots with people with similar or the same name. "which one?"

"that one." she pointed to left of her computer.

"ok, i need someone to lead this young lady to the shared cell 181." she said in her microphone thing.

within a matter of seconds a guard arrived and took her to another desk. "you have the money?"

"uh, yes how much." she said removing her handbag.

"$5000, you sure you got it?" the bondsmen asked.

"yep." she pulled out 5 stacks and handed it to them, she couldn't wait to get out of here. "you can count it."

the bondsmen counted and came to the exact total. "okay, i'll lead you to the cell.

time skip

"thank you so much, i couldn't last another day in there, the people in there, weird as fuck." he sighed.

"your welcome, cuz i wanna get out of here as bad as you do." she rushed to the exit.

"how we gon get back?" rakim asked her.

she shrugged, "i took an uber."

"i don't have my wallet so i guess we walking."

"i can pay." she chimed.

"nah, plus it's gives us more time to get to know each other.

late update soz xx

DOCTOR, MY EYES?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang