006. red bull and tequila keep me upright in the night.

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DOM'S car sped around the block, another car following close behind, at this rate, he could be pulled over any minute now. he turned and made a left to find a safe spot to hide away. dead end. so he grabbed his gun tucked it in his waistband and placed his phone in his pocket. he closed the door and couldn't even lock the car because the following car had arrived. so he scrambled his way behind a building in hopes that they couldn't see him. however, opposing him was a brick wall and the sun shine on him brightly creating a shadow.

"yo! see this nigga here!!" a male voice said cackling cocking his own gun.

while this was going on dom checked if his strap was loaded. and of course, no fucking bullets.

"fuck." he cursed to himself. he just had to pretend.

but in all honesty, that wasn't too hard for them, they'd been many situations like this the whole mob been through, they'd quite literally, fake it to make it.

"so you a asap nigga huh?" the same voice approached him making eye contact.

"the fuck you want?" dom replied pulling out his strap, but at the same time they aimed it at each others heads.

"front me a key. das it, then ion gotta pull the trigger." he whispered as he pushed the gun so it was touching dom's head.

dom copied his actions so they would be equal.

"and if you don't, imma make the fuck sure, you did a slow painful, agonising death. trust. one by one, y'all asap niggas will be dropping like flies. and fuck it, you the first one." dom mentally rolled his eyes, nigga sounding like a fucking movie. "and you can't do shit! 6v1 nigga!!! how bout that!!!" he laughed as the rest of his peoples approached dom. "you gon die regardless."


"YOU know why i pulled y'all over?" a chubby white police officer approached rocky and ferg.

"no sir." ferg spoke up first.


rocky shook his head, he saw the officer as being 'extra'.

"speeding. imma have to arrest y'all."

"arrest?! i was expecting a fine or sum shit." rocky butted in.

"who's does this car belong to?" the officer said ignoring him.

"it's mines." ferg replied.

"turn off the engine and hop out for me."

ferg followed his orders but rocky wouldn't budge, "fuck you doing man? why you actually listening!"

"you sound crazy as fuck right now, just hop out, cmon." he laughed a little.

"how the fuck you laughin when we bit to get arrested." he said hesitantly hopping out.

"all right hands behind yo back, i'm guessing y'all know the drill already." he said unbothered.

"fuck you say?!" rocky turned around, ferg shortly after.

"i ain't wrong. you prolly got a gun tucked in yo car somewhere."

ok, he wasn't wrong this time.

"nah, i ain't having that racist shit. fuck out here." ferg finally responded.

"ion even know why y'all here, y'all should go back to yo c-"

and then rocky did the unthinkable, punch, swing whatever you wanna call it, till he was on the floor. the officer brushed himself off and cuffed him.

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