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I was so angry, that I walked so fast to Buck's... I swear I made it there in record time. 

The music was so loud, I could hear it from a few blocks away. 

A soft, red light glowed from each of the windows. 

As I walked through the front door, I was instantly hit with the smell of liquor and cigarettes. 

There were people everywhere. 

It seemed to take me forever to weave through the drunken bodies to find Buck. 

"Hey, hun. Have you been here the whole time?" Buck sort of joked, as he handed me a drink. 

"No, I just got here.  Got in an argument with Darry, so I sort of walked out to cool off.  You mind if I crash here tonight?" I sheepishly asked him, as I took a big swig. 

"I don't mind at all, you know that.  Have a couple drinks, chill out for a while-" Buck started to say, but stopped. 

His eyes seemed to wander past me, the the front door behind me. 

"You beat him up on the way here?" Buck laughed, as he nudged me. 

I turned around to see Dallas Winston walking in the front door. 

It looked like Dallas had a black eye, and a swollen lip. 

His knuckles looked like they were starting to bruise too. 

Oh Jesus fucking Christ. 

Can't I just drink in peace?

I know damn well Dallas is gonna find me, and bug me all night. 

"I wish. You know if I would have done that, he would look a lot worse than that." I giggled, as I sipped my drink.

"Damn straight." Buck gave me a little nod, as he waved Dallas over. 

Because why wouldn't he. 

Dallas seemed to smile a little bit, as he pushed through people to make their way over to us. 

"What happened to you?" Buck asked Dallas. 

"Ehhh, just got in a little tussle on the way here." Dallas seemed to laugh it off. 

"Yeah, well behave yourselves now." Buck gave Dallas a pat on the back, as he walked away. 

I stood there awkwardly, as Dallas seemed to stare at me for a moment. 

"So, what happened to your face?" I gutted up the courage to ask him.

"I... um..." he almost seemed hesitant to tell me,"got in a fight with Tim Shepard.  I slashed his tires."

That's why he seemed so hesitant to tell me. 

He knows I get a long with Tim and, so do my brothers. 

"Why the hell would you do that? Tim's my friend, and you now damn well that none of those Shepard's would have done that to you." I scolded him. 

I shook my head, before chugging the rest of my drink. 

"Yeah, yeah. I guess I was just pissed off." Dallas mumbled, as he wandered away to get himself a drink. 

He returned back to me quickly. 

"I just got out of jail. And you and I aren't talking like we used to.... I guess it's just bugging me. " Dallas spoke again. 

"You're the one that did that, and you're mad at the outcome of your own damn actions." I told him.  

I was sick of sitting quietly about things that bothered me.  

Dallas looked at me surprised that I spoke back to him. 

"Right, because its my fault." Dallas rolled his eyes at me. 

"Yes, it is.  You're the one that got a girl friend while we were still talking,   You're the one that got thrown in jail, you're the one that slashed his tires, and you're the one that was flirting with cherry... right in front of me! And you expect me to be okay with that?" I asked him. 

Dallas rubbed his jaw with his fingertips, before taking another drink. 

"What, do you want me to see here and beg you like a dog to give me another chance?" Dallas scuffed at the idea. 

I huffed at his attempt to turn this around on me. 

"If you wanna act like a dog, I suggest you go stand in the corner and lick your own damn wounds." I harshly said back. 

Dallas and I stood next to each other in silence for a while.

We watched, as the party went on around us. 

"You're still wearing my jacket.... you can't be that mad at me, then." Dallas smirked, as he leaned his face in front of me so I had to look at him. 

Dallas seemed to smile more, as he watched the realization set in on my face. 

I forgot I was even wearing this. 

"Shut up." I tried to hide my smile. 

It didn't work though. 

And Dallas and I both know, we couldn't really stay mad at each other for very long either. 

"You wanna go upstairs and lay down? I think I cracked a couple ribs." Dallas said, as he rubbed his side. 

How could I say no?

"Fine, only because I wanted to lay down before you even said anything." I rolled my eyes. 

Dallas wrapped his arm around my waist. 

He held me tightly, as he lead me through the crowded house. 

Dallas lead me up the stairs, and into his bed room. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat