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As Johnny and I got ready and walked to school, I had a terrible feeling growing in my stomach. 

An anxious feeling that grew a thousand times worse, the second we walked into school. 

My heart fucking stopped the second I saw Dallas

Because there he stood leaning up against a locker, next to fucking Sylvia.

The way he looked down at her, and smiled. 

The way his eyes seemed to shimmer, as he brushed the loose stands of her hair out of her face. 

"Oh, shit." Johnny mumbled, as he grabbed me by the arm. 

He tried to pull me through the busy hallway to keep moving. 

But, I couldn't fucking move. 

It felt like my feet were cemented to the ground. 

I was completely frozen in shock. 

"Come on, we gotta go." Johnny tugged with all his might, as the people passing by bumped into us. 

I was only able to move, once Dallas's gaze met mine. 

As soon as he looked at me, I had to turn away.  

I could feel the tears beginning to fall from my eyes, as I pushed past everyone in the halls. 

I weaved through the maze of people, and pushed my way into the girl's bathroom. 

As soon as I walked in that door, I felt like I exploded with emotion. 

My whole body went hot, and I began bawling. 

I was so angry and upset. 

I sat in the corner of the bathroom, and cried. 

How could he do that to me?

After everything?

I know we were fighting and I know we weren't really together, but fuck man.... I have fucking feelings. 

I didn't fucking deserve this. 

I wouldn't fucking do that to him. 

After about an hour, I was calm enough to leave the bathroom. 

I of course didn't go to class. 

I walked right out one of the side doors, and walked back home.  

I grabbed a pack of cigarettes, and climbed onto the roof. 

I laid back and smoked one after another.  

I closed my eyes and thought. 

I just couldn't wrap my head around why Dallas would do that?

It was one fucking day after we were arguing, one fucking day, and he jumped right over to Sylvia. 

I knew I had a fucking bad feeling about her.  


I was up there all day. 

Darry was fucking pissed when he came home and found out I wasn't at school, and I really didn't go to any of my classes at all. 

After a while, he gave up on yelling at me. 

To be honest, I think Johnny had something to do with that.

He must have said something to Darry about me being upset, because after a while, Darry quit yelling at me.  


"You planning on sleeping up here?" Darry yelled up to me. 

I was dark now, and I was getting cold.

"No," I yelled back, "I'll come down."

"Alright, I have supper still on the stove for you." Darry yelled out to me, before going back inside. 

As I climbed down from the room, I felt a pair of hands go on my waist, just before my feet hit the ground. 

"Johnny, I told you I ain't gonna fall." I chuckled out. 

"Try again." A deep, booming voice echoed through the night air. 

I nearly jumped out of my skin, as I turned to see Dallas.  

"Get your fucking hands off of me!" I screamed, as I stepped back. 

Dallas threw his hands up in the air, just above his head, and he smiled. 

"Calm down, sweetheart. Quit yelling." Dallas sort of whispered at me. 

"I mean it, Winston.  Fucking back off!" I hollered at him. 

"What's your issue?" Dallad sort of chuckled, as he rolled his eyes at me.  

"My issue? MY fucking issue is that we get in an argument, then you run to fucking Sylvia!" I could feel myself growing angrier, and angrier. 

Dallas's head snapped towards me quickly, and eyes narrowed at me. 

"How do you know her name? She's got nothing to do with you!" Dallas was growing angry too, now that I brought her up. 

I stopped, and looked at Dallas

I knew I had a sad, hurt look all over my face. 

I know it showed in my body language, the way I seemed to slump down as I stood there. 

Dallas's eyes looked me directly in mine, as his own expression seemed to fall as well.  

"You're going with her now, aren't you? Don't try to lie to me, please. At least give me that." I begged him.  

I really was begging him from the bottom of my heart. 

Because maybe I did really grow to like Dallas, and it did break my heart in a million pieces seeing him with her. 

"It's not like that with her.... it's not the same thing as what you and I got." Dallas seemed to mumble out softly. 

"Then, why she even in the picture?" I mumbled, pushing past him, as I went inside. 

I felt like I was going to cry again.

But, I knew I had to stand my ground. 

I was throwing in the towel.

I turned back, to see Dallas still standing outside. 

His head hung low. 

He ran his hands through his hair, before he stormed off. 

He seemed so angry, as he stormed off. 

"Just let him go blow off some steam." Johnny told me. 

"I didn't even see you standing there." I whispered to him. 

"I came out of your room, because I heard you two arguing.  I wanted to make sure that you didn't throw any bricks, or whatever." Johnny joked at the end, trying to make a light joke to defuse the anger that I still had inside me. 

"Let's go to bed, johnny." I told him. 

I was overwhelmed and over tired, which didn't help my anger. 

That night, I slept like a rock. 

And when it came to the next morning, we were all surprised to hear that Dallas Winston had been picked up in the middle of the night by the cops. 

I guess his "blowing off some steam", consisted of him getting in a fight and stealing from a local gas station, which landed him 90 days in jail. 

I know it wasn't directly my fault, but I couldn't help but feel sort of guilty. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now