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At lunch, I found myself standing outside of school grounds with Twobit, Johnny, and Ponyboy smoking. 

We hadn't seen Dallas since before school that day.

That's when we saw Dallas Winston walking down the street towards us... but... he was walking with someone. 

A blonde girl. 

I grew more anxious the closer they got. 

Dallas seemed to be talking to her, and he seemed pretty cheerful too. The way he had his hands in his pockets, and he smiled as he spoke. 

"Jesus, spit that thing out! You're smoking the filter and it stinks." Ponyboy hollered at me, as he plugged his nose. 

I guess I hadn't realized that I smoked that cigarette so fast and so far down, I was actually burning the filter at this point.

"Sorry." I mumbled, spitting the rest to the ground and stomping it out with my shoe. 

I saw that Dallas had now just about reached us, and the girl and him had parted ways. 

"I see Dallas is finally back." Johnny said. 

"Who's that girl he was walking with?" I quietly asked Johnny. 

"What girl?" Johnny asked back. 

"The blonde girl, blue blouse." I nodded my head in her direction. 

Johnny turned to look at her only for a second, before turning back to me. 

"Sylvia." He almost seemed to sheepishly whisper that in my ear. 

I think Johnny knowing who it was made that feeling I had growing I'm my stomach only worse. 

"Hey." Dallas greeted us with a smile on his face. 

I bit the inside of my cheek and reminded silent, as the boys greeted him back. 

"You ain't gonna say hi to me, doll?" Dallas spoke up, and directly to me. 

My eyes bounced between him and Sylvia for a second. 

"Hi, I guess." I mumbled out. 

Dallas's cheerful expression seemed to fall for a second at my response. 

Luckily, the bell rang indicating for us to go back inside and get to our next classes. 

"Well, I'll catch you kids after school." Dallas seemed to chuckle, as everyone began to flood back inside. 

Everyone seemed to go their separate ways, besides Twobit. 

He slowly walked behind me, as we got back into the school, before he walked a little faster to catch up to me. 

"Hey, you alright? You don't look too good." Two-bit asked me, as he walked at my side. 

"Yeah, I'm alright." I told him. 

I was lying, I was so upset I felt like I was gonna throw up. 

That feeling I had in my stomach had now spread through out my body, making its way up to my throat. 

I don't know why Dallas walking and talking to her made me so upset, but it did. 

I had this uneasy feeling about Sylvia and Dallas that I just couldn't shake. 

"Are you sure? You look like you're gonna be sick." Twobit spoke again, he truly did seem concerned about my well-being, "Maybe, you should go to the office and call Darry? See if you can go home?"

"I'm alright, Twobit. I really am," I reassured him, "besides, I don't want to bother Darry at work.  I doubt he would let me go home anyway."

"Well, you just give me a holler if you feel worse." Twobit said, as we walked into our next class. 

I have most of my classes with Twobit, so he usually keeps an eye on me anyway. 

"Alright." I gave him a weak smile. 

The rest of the classes for the day, I didn't really pay attention too. 

All I could think about was Dallas and Sylvia. 

How did he know her?

How did Johnny know of her?

Does Johnny know her through Dallas?

I just couldn't help it. 

I know that I was probably working myself up over nothing, but my gut feeling kept telling me it wasn't just 'nothing'.

I didn't really say much the rest of the school day either.  I didn't really say much on the walk home as well. 

When we got home from school, Johnny and Twobit decided they wanted to go to the Dingo for some ice cream... and of course... Dallas decided to tag along. 

"So, what's up with you?" Dallas decided to speak up and ask me. 

I shrugged, as we sat down in a booth as our ice cream was served to us. 

"Why?" I asked, as I took a big gulp of my chocolate shake. 

"You just haven't said much today." Dallas spoke again. 

"She doesn't say much to you, anyways Dallas." Twobit chuckled, as he butted in. 

"Shut up, you're gonna piss her off.  Then, she's gonna be a broad the rest of the day." Dallas huffed at Twobit, as he smacked him in the shoulder.


Now, I'm really pissed off. 

Seeing him with Sylvia, and now Dallas calling me a broad... AGAIN! Put me over the line. 

I was so pissed off, I didn't know what to do or say. 

I grabbed the rest of my milkshake and threw it all over Dallas. 

Oh.  My.  God. 

I couldn't believe I just fucking did that. 

I put the cup down and froze, as Dallas looked at me in disbelief as he wiped the milkshake from his face. 

There was chocolate milkshake all over Dallas, all over the table, and all over me. 

Dallas looked at me as if he was going to fucking kill me. 

Twobit let out an obnoxiously loud laugh, that only made Dallas even more angry. 

Full fledged fear had filled my whole body, as I quickly got up and ran out of the diner.  

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now