A Silent Magic

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In a world of screens, a love so rare,
An introverted boy, a girl without a care.
Their eyes would meet, no words required,
In silent love, they both conspired.

No need for touch, no need for voice,
In their pure love, they both rejoiced.
He was the calm, she was the storm,
Together they made a world so warm.

She painted his life with colors bright,
Turned his dark days into light.
He found his voice in her lively song,
Together, they felt they belonged.

We watched, entranced, as their love grew,
Believed in magic, believed it was true.
But one dark night, the spell was broken,
No words exchanged, no vows spoken.

The silence came, a chilling breeze,
Their laughter ceased, their smiles did freeze.
Our hearts, once full, now ache with pain,
Wondering why they left this strain.

Why build a world, so beautiful and bright,
Only to shatter it in a single night?
Why create a bond, so deep and strong,
If it wasn't meant to last for long?

We are lost, in memories we dwell,
Caught in the web of their enchanting spell.
Will we ever see their magic again?
Or are we doomed to bear this pain?

So here we wait, with hope so thin,
For a glimpse of the love that once had been.
In silent prayers, we hold them tight,
Wishing for the day they'll reunite.

For in their love, we found our own,
A testament to how love has grown.
And though the ending brought us sorrow,
We'll cherish their magic, today and tomorrow.

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