Chapter 17

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My life seemed to be divided into distinct phases, each marked by its own struggles and desires. For nineteen years, my soul yearned for one thing above all else—freedom. Freedom to choose my path, to speak my mind without fear of repercussion. Yet, as a princess, such liberties were often denied to me, overshadowed by the weight of expectation and tradition.

Life within the palace walls was far from the idyllic image painted in storybooks. It was a constant battle against societal norms and expectations, a struggle to maintain my sense of self amid the stifling confines of royal etiquette. I loathed the frivolity of girlish pursuits, preferring instead the thrill of sword fights and the precision of archery. These were the moments when I felt truly alive, when the constraints of my title faded into insignificance.

But even in my pursuit of freedom, I faced ridicule and scorn from those around me. Other princesses mocked my unconventional interests, deriding my refusal to conform to their narrow definition of femininity. Yet, despite their taunts, I remained steadfast in my conviction, unapologetic in my defiance of gender norms.

For me, being a princess was not about tiaras and tea parties—it was about carving out my own identity, forging a path that defied expectation and embraced authenticity. And though the journey was fraught with challenges, I refused to let the judgment of others dim the fire that burned within me.

As I stirred from a restless sleep, my surroundings slowly came into focus. The soft light filtering through the curtains hinted at the early hour, casting a gentle glow over the room. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I glanced around, my gaze falling upon the unfamiliar surroundings. It took a moment for the events of the previous night to come flooding back—the conversation with Xaden, the unexpected sprained ankle, and the comforting darkness of slumber that followed.

With a pang of guilt, I realized that I had somehow ended up on Xaden's bed, while he had presumably spent the night on the couch. The sight of a pillow nestled on the cushions confirmed my suspicions. Quietly slipping out of bed, I winced as pain shot through my sprained ankle, a stark reminder of the events that had led to my current predicament. Determined not to dwell on my discomfort, I made my way towards the doorway, my steps slow and deliberate.

Instead of heading towards the main door, however, my gaze fell upon another door nestled within the confines of the room. Curiosity piqued, I approached it cautiously, only to find it locked from the inside. An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach as I wondered what lay beyond that mysterious threshold.

The door creaked open, revealing Xaden standing there, well-dressed, neat, and undeniably handsome. He flashed a charming smile and said, "Morning, sunshine." His voice was warm, cutting through the remnants of sleep still clouding my mind.

He stepped aside, allowing me a glimpse into the mysterious room. "This is the shower room," he explained, gesturing for me to enter. I limped inside, my curiosity piqued. The space was unlike anything I had seen before. It felt like a miniature, private version of the grand bathing pools back in Emberglow, but with an intimate, comfortable feel.

The room was designed with elegance and practicality in mind. Steam gently rose from a small pool, creating a soothing atmosphere. Warm, inviting tiles lined the floor, and a cascade of water flowed from a sculpted spout, mimicking the natural waterfalls I had always admired. Despite my unfamiliarity with such a setup, the space felt immediately welcoming, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of the past few days.

Taking a moment to absorb the surroundings, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. This shower room, with its serene ambiance, was a much-needed respite, offering a sense of normalcy and comfort amidst the whirlwind that had become my life.

* * *

I showered, letting the warm water wash away the remnants of the night, and then stepped out feeling refreshed. As I emerged from the shower room, I saw Blizzard arranging breakfast on Xaden's bed. The aroma of freshly baked bread and brewed tea filled the air, creating a welcoming atmosphere.

Blizzard looked up and smiled warmly. "Good morning, Julia," he greeted.

His words hit me with a pang of guilt, remembering the lie I had told him in the cell. My eyes instinctively sought Xaden's, who was standing nearby, watching me with a mixture of curiosity and concern in his emerald gaze. There were unspoken questions in his eyes, a silent inquiry that I could feel pressing against me.

Without saying a word, I met Xaden's gaze and subtly shook my head, silently pleading with him to keep quiet for now. His expression softened slightly, a hint of understanding passing between us. He nodded almost imperceptibly, acknowledging my unspoken request.

For now, the truth could wait.

* * *

As Blizzard left the room, Xaden turned to me with a curious expression. "What was that?" he asked, his tone light yet probing.

I hesitated for a moment before replying, "I was simply trying to hide my identity as a princess."

Xaden's reaction was immediate; he threw back his head and laughed a hearty laugh that echoed through the room. "Okay, okay then, Julia it is," he said with a playful grin.

As I sipped my tea, my lips still touching the cup but unable to hide a small smile, Xaden looked at me thoughtfully. "Both Zayra and Julia sound too... common," he mused. "I will name you something different. Let me think." 

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