Chapter 6

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After a while All of them were sitting in the TV lounge as per kook's request as he wanted to watch Cinderella

Kook was sitting on Jin's lap while sipping his banana milk

Kookie: hywngie kwkie ish twred kwkie slwpy (he said with a pout)

Jin: bub let's goo and sleep or you wanna sleep here

Kook didn't said anything but just rested his head on Jin's chest

V: Jin hyung I think he is not well check his temperature

Jin checked his temperature and he was burning like fire

Jin: bub you are burning up

Hearing this all of them got worried for their baby's health

Jhope: sunshine are you okay do you need anything

Kook: wawnt hywngs cwddle (he said clutching Jin's shirt)

Jin: of course baby hyungs will cuddle with you but first we need to get rid of your sickness first right

Kook shock his head

Kook: kwkie wanwt hywng (he said with teary eyes making all of them panicked)

Jimin hurriedly came and wipe off his tears while taking him on his lap and rocking him back and fourth

Jimin: shush giggles don't cry hyungs will cuddle you but you need to first

Kook: bwt kwkie dwnt need thwse meanie mwdicines

All of them cooed at his adorable act

Suga: angel you have to take those or else how will you get healthy again

Kook: hywng plwase kwkie dwnt want thwt

Suga: if my angel take that medicine then I will give my angel piggy back rides all day okie my fragile petal

Kook: okie(he said excitedly hearing piggy back rides)

Suga: (chuckled) Jin hyung now bring the medicine our baby is ready, right

Kook nodded Jin chuckled and brought the medicine after lots of struggle kook drank it while making faces and soon he fell asleep on jimin's lap while jimin brought him to the bedroom

All the others came there except for v and jhope they had an important person to take care of who hurtled their precious baby

So after giving him a much deserved death they came back and saw the most adorable sight kook sleeping with his thumb in his mouth and a bunny plushie on his tummy while his shirt lifted up

They all slept while hugging the baby


Soo guys I hope you liked this chapter but I k ow it's really short 396 words but I hope you understand that my mother was not great she had two drips that's why I couldn't make a longer chapter I hope you all understand

Byee I love you all

the 6 Mafia devils And A Little Boy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora