Read It and Weep

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[Few days after Cider Season as Twilight and (Y/N) are walking together on their little outing]

Twilight: So that's what your special talent is.

(Y/N): [Sigh] Yes, Twi. I told you about a hundred times now.

Twilight: [Giggles] Sorry. I just couldn't believe that was your special talents. But do you use it all the time?

(Y/N): I try to avoid using it, but it is beyond my control.

Twilight: So when all the times we hurt you, were you sensing us?

(Y/N): Yes. All I see are angry emotions in the soul which are terrible to look at. Since I never had friends like you girls, I don't know how to handle these emotions of yours, since all I was used to were adventure and violence. Whenever I see these malicious feelings from people, I just respond with fighting. I don't know how to respond with friends.

Twilight: Dear...

(Y/N): I try to hold my tongue to not do anything worse. I didn't want to lose you girls. But when I see these true emotions of anger towards me... I feel disgusted by it. Everytime I see it, I couldn't help but lose it.

Twilight: [Sad] Is that one of your reason why you left Ponyville?

(Y/N): [Sigh] Yes. I felt all of their disgust, anger, loathing, repulsion and it was making me vomit. It was horrible. It was worse with what I felt when it was directed at you. I didn't want you to suffer for simply remaining with you.

Twilight: I see. [Hugs him]

(Y/N): Don't worry. That was all in the past. I don't hold it against them anymore.

Twilight: I still don't understand. You have so many reasons to hold grudges and you have many reasons to not forgive, even if you can sense the true feelings in our soul. Why? Why do you forgive us?

(Y/N): [Smiles] Twi... I held grudges before when I was younger. But when you live long enough and had right people on your journeys, you learn that many of these grudges are not worth it. I may be interested in combat, honor, and traditions, but I do value peace and tranquility. [Hugs back] Most importantly, I value a pony with intelligence, keen in her magic skills, and rational. And you can guess who I'm talking about?

Twilight: Me?

(Y/N): Trixie.

Twilight: [Yell out of shock] What??

(Y/N): [Laughing] I'm joking, Twi. [Kiss her on the lips] I meant you.

Twilight: Not funny. [Pout]

(Y/N): Look at you, you look cute when you do that.

Twilight: [Scoff] You have to pay me for that bad joke of yours.

(Y/N): Such as?

Twilight: [Blush] How about we both read while snuggling before we sleep?

(Y/N): [Chuckles] How bold of you. I don't have an issue with it.

Twilight: [Thinking] Yes! I can never get enough of him! I'm glad I can have my love of my life. (Y/N) and books together... I hope it is romantic for him.

[Both of them saw Pinkie Pie and Rarity looking at something]

[Whooshing noises]

Twilight: Hey, Rarity. Hey, Pinkie Pie. What are you looking at?

Pinkie Pie: Rainbow Dash! Isn't she the most daring devil? I mean, the most devilish darer? I mean-

Rarity: She's dazzling!

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