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October passed in a daze, and the student's homework increased as teachers made them do extra work since it was very important. According to them. So, Vivien and her friends had been quite busy studying either in the library or common room. Regulus Black also seemed to actually be helping her with Astronomy; she could finally understand things. And he was also acting much better, even though they did often bicker.

Vivien rubbed her eyes and yawned as she trudged toward the Great Hall with Ava for dinner.

"Evans, wait up." She heard someone call behind her.

She sighed and turned around to find Regulus Black a few paces behind her. "What?"

"Well, you look cheery." He commented.

"Ha ha," she muttered with a mocking tone.

"Anyway," he added, "did you finish writing the Potions assignment? We need to begin the process of preparing the Polyjuice Potion.

"Yeah." She sighed. "I did. When should we start the potion?"

"I was thinking this Saturday evening."

She frowned, "isn't that Halloween?"

"Ah, right. What about-"

"Well," she interrupted him, "I suppose we can do it before the feast."


She nodded, "Meet me in the second-floor girl's bathroom." She walked away from him, toward the Gryffindor table, and slumped into a seat opposite to Scarlett.

"Why're you so tired today?" She asked looking at her weary expression.

"I was up half the night completing the bloody potions and charms assignments." She yawned. "And you know I can't function without at least seven hours of sleep."

"I've told you before, not to leave them till the last minute," Ella reprimanded her.

"It's fine. I still get get it done, and get a good grade." Vivien waved her off.


After quickly completing her dinner, Vivien headed to the library to finish her homework, so she could sleep as soon as possible. On entering the library, she spotted Remus with Sirius, who seemed to be packing up his books. She observed them as he commented something causing Remus to laugh, making Sirius grin and his eyes lit up at the sound. As Remus shook his head, still smiling, and reached out across Sirius to get his book, Sirius' eyes followed him a light smile on his lips. She smiled at the scene before her.

As Sirius stood up to leave, she approached the table. "Mind if I sit here?" She asked, approaching their table.

They both glanced upwards and grinned at her in unison.

"Of course," Remus smiled.

"I was just leaving anyway," Sirius added. "I can't spend too much time in the library y'know. It's bad for my image, and I've been here way too long."

Remus affectionately rolled his eyes at Sirius as he remarked, "You were only here for half an hour, Padfoot."

"Yeah, that's why I said that I've been here for too long." He laughed and looked at Remus, his eyes shining.

"Anyway," he continued glancing at her, "Evans, how's it going with little Reggie?" He asked, his tone light as though he meant for it to sound careless, causing Remus to glance at him worriedly.

"Better," she replied. "He's not that bad."

Sirius nodded thoughtfully, "he's not." He then left with a goodbye to them.

Vivien raised her eyebrows as she took the seat opposite Remus. "What's up with you two?"

Remus glanced at her warily, "Nothing. Why?"

She shrugged nonchalantly, "Oh, nothing. You two just seemed... cozy."

Remus groaned. "Not this again."


"I've told you before- Sirius doesn't like me that way."

"Didn't seem like that from where I was standing."

He sighed. "I thought you had given it up, seeing as you didn't bring it up these past months. Anyway, we've been over this before, I may like Sirius, but he will never like me in that manner. It's never happening."

"I'm telling you, Remus, he does like you. You can tell it from the way he looks at you."

"And how does he look at me?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"Like you're the only thing in the world that matters."

His cheeks flushed at her statement. "That's not true," he argued, halfheartedly.

She grinned at his expression, and continued with her homework, leaving him still flustered with the thoughts of Sirius Black. Remus had been in love with Sirius for almost three years, but being an idiot, he didn't believe that Sirius loved him back. Their feelings toward each other were obvious to everyone, except them.


A/N : ik this was a short chapter, but the next chp will be out in a day or two. i absolutely adore wolfstar and can't wait for them to get together, they're so cute!! <3 comment if you liked the chapter!

-- V.

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