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"I can't believe this," Ella said, "the attacks on muggles and Muggle-born are increasing day by day." She passed the Daily Prophet to Vivien. The heading read,


'A family of Muggles was killed two days ago, in London. The family included the two, parents and their young son. Additionally, two people are currently reported as missing. We're not yet sure if Death Eaters did it, but that is what we suspect. Further investigation is being done.....'

She felt a sick feeling in her stomach. "This is so cruel. How can the Death Eaters do such things? I mean, killing a child?!"

"I know, right," Scarlett said, reading over her shoulder. "These people need to be stopped."

"And the Ministry's not even doing anything useful," Ava added

The day's classes went by quickly. Then, during her free lecture, Vivien headed to the library where she ran into Remus, who was studying.

He smiled at her. "Hey, Vi. What are you doing?"

"Hey," she grinned, "I'm just searching for a book to help me with History of Magic. Do you know any good ones?"

"You should read the one by Bathilda Bagshot. It helped me in my fifth year."


"Do you want to join me?" Remus asked, gesturing to the empty chair opposite to him.

"Yeah, sure."

Vivien got the book from the adjoining shelf and sat down opposite him.

"Where are the other Marauders?" she asked.

"They have Divination."

"Divination is such a waste of time."

"Tell me about it." Remus laughed. "I dropped it after 3rd year itself."

"You took Care of Magical Creatures, right? After Divination."

"Yeah. By the way, how are you doing with Astronomy now? You were finding it difficult, right?"

"Yeah, it's still the subject I'm struggling with most." She groaned.

"Maybe you could ask Sirius for help. He's great at astronomy. His parents taught him and his brother when they were kids."

"Yeah, sure. I will. I suppose that's why Regulus Black's so good at Astronomy."

"Speaking of whom, are you two still not decent toward each other? You should at least not fight, especially now that you have prefect duty together."

"And potions, too." She grumbled.

"Really?" He asked, sounding amused.

"Yeah, Slughorn made him my partner and project partner for the year."

Remus chuckled. "You know, he's not that bad. He used to be great, he's just been brainwashed. According to what I heard from Sirius."

"Does Sirius think he can still change?"

"Unfortunately, no. But from the things he told us about Regulus, I think he can."

"Perhaps, if he stopped being such an ass."

After dinner, she and Ava headed to the Astronomy tower for Professor Sinistra's class. Where Ella and Scarlett were going to join them. Ella and Ava were good at Astronomy and Scarlett, too, was fairly good. Vivien was the one who struggled with it.

"So, what did you do in your free lecture? I had to struggle through a particularly difficult lecture of Arithmancy." Ava complained.

"I was studying History of Magic with the library, with Remus."

Ava raised her eyebrows at her and grinned. "You seem to be spending an awful lot of time with Remus these days. Is there anything going on between you two?"

"Of course not. We're just good friends." She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say."

Once Ella and Scarlett joined them, the four of them took places and got out their telescopes, when Professor Sinistra called her. She stood with Regulus Black, who had a scowl on his face.

"Miss Evans, Mr. Black shall be tutoring you in Astronomy, and helping you in the class. Seeing as you are barely scraping by."

Vivien's eyes widened, "What? I'm fine with tutoring, but why him? I'm sure Ella or Ava can help me with it."

"Mr. Black is my best student, and so I'm sure he'll help you much better than your friends. You two can decide when to meet up here after classes."

With that, she left them with the news and went to check the other students' work.

Vivien groaned and buried her head in her hands - she couldn't seem to catch a break with this guy. She looked up to see him glaring at her.

"Seriously, Evans? Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"Oh, trust me, I'm not too keen on spending my time with you either, Black." She snapped.

"And how stupid are you? I mean, who needs tutoring for Astronomy?"

Well, excuse me for not being taught Astronomy since I was five. And just so you know, many people find Astronomy difficult."

"Whatever." he rolled his eyes. "Meet me here every Wednesday and Saturday, at 9:00. And don't be late."

She scowled and headed back to her friends.

"What did Sinistra want?" Ava asked.

"She's making Black tutor me. God, why him? He's so intolerable. And I already have to spend so much time with him, I might just kill him," Vivien sighed.

"Why? I can do that."

"That's what I said. But apparently, he's her best student, so."

Ella laughed. "It's as if the universe is purposely throwing you two together. But, good luck with him. I hear he's intolerable."

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