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"Bye mum, bye dad," Vivien said hugging her parents tightly.

"Bye honey, have a great year" her mum replied.

"And stay safe," her dad added.

"Yes, of course, "she replied, and after one final smile and hug, turned away and steered her trolley toward the train, behind her older sister, Lily.

After getting on the train Lily asked her if she wanted to sit with her

"No, I'm fine.. I'll go find Ava and the others," she replied.

She went in the opposite direction, toward the compartment she and her friends usually sat in. Suddenly, she bumped into someone,

"Sorry, I wasn't looking," she apologized.

"I didn't think you had the basic manners of apologizing, Evans," the person said.

Then looking up, she saw the annoying face of Regulus Black, looking back at her. There was a strange look on his face as he stared into her eyes, making her feel a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, which she quickly pushed away. He looked different now than he had last year, his hair had grown a bit and reached his ears and his facial features had become more defined. In a way, he looked more annoyingly good than before.

"Oh, it's you," she said composing herself.

Black rolled his eyes at her and as his eyes flicked across her face, a strange look appeared in his eyes. "Get out of my way."

She shoved past him, going toward her compartment. She didn't know why, but for some reason Regulus Black had always irked her, and he had always hated her and vice-versa, of course. It probably had something to do with the fact that she was a muggle born, and in their third year, he had called her a mudblood.

Clearing the thoughts out of her mind, she entered the compartment, to find her three friends already sitting in there.

"You're finally here! "Ella exclaimed. "Thank God! These two have been annoying me forever, talking about their boyfriends."

"Hey, sorry, we ran a bit late to get to the station," Vivien explained. "So, whats new with you all?"

"Well, as you know, me and Amos Diggory are now officially dating," Ava, her best friend, exclaimed.

"And, me and Andrew hung out so much this summer! It was really awesome!" Scarlett added.

Ella looked at her rolling her eyes. Vivien laughed, "Is that all you and Ava ever talk about? Boys??"

Ava looked at her mischievously "so, what about you? Are you seeing anyone?"

Vivien groaned and was saved of a reply when Remus Lupin entered her compartment.

"Hey Vivien, you have to come to the prefects compartment right now. The meeting is almost starting." he said.

"Oh, right, you're a prefect this year. That's so great!" Scarlett said. "Now you can help us get out of detentions."

"You do know, that's the wrong use of the authority," Remus said disapprovingly.

"Yeah, like you haven't done it for the Marauders," Ava said, laughing.

Vivien smiled, "Ok then, I have to go, I'll be back after it's done. Bye."

She and Remus walked to the prefect's compartment, and took their seats. Almost everyone had arrived except the Slytherin prefects. Then the door opened as the Slytherin prefects came in, and among them was none other than Regulus Black. Their eyes met for a second and he gave her his usual cold stare, and she glared right back at him.

"Ok, so, let's get started," Noah Smith, the head boy said.

"We will be pairing you all up, for the nightly rounds, and these will not be changed for the whole year." Amelia Bones, the head girl explained. "Dumbledore has instructed us to do so."

"So, please take note of your partners- " Noah said, and started reading from a piece of paper. "Narcissa and Amos, Remus and Abigail......."

Vivien zoned out for a while, till her name was called out, ".....Vivien and Regulus..."

Her eyes widened and her head swiveled towards Regulus Black, who looked just as horrified as she felt. She groaned, she couldn't believe it, now she would have to do all her prefect rounds with the infuriating Regulus Black.

After pairing everyone up, Amelia and Noah gave a long speech, about the protocol, the schedule and the steps to take if they found anyone out of bed at night, etc. Then, finally after the speech was over, everyone piled out of the compartment, heading back to their own.

Vivien reached her own compartment and broke the bad news to her friends, the fact that she had to do prefect duty with Regulus Black.

The rest of the train journey passes peacefully, with the four of them catching up on each other's summer news and discussing the current threat to muggle borns, of Voldemort.

In their group, she and Ella were muggle born while Ava and Scarlett were half bloods. So she and Ella and their families were more in danger.

Once they reached Hogwarts, they sat down at the Gryffindor table as the sorting began.

McGonagall began calling out the first year students' names one by one and they came up to the sorting hat.

"Nikki Wilson"

The hat was placed on her head and it shouted "Gryffindor!"

Nikki came down and sat at the Gryffindor table. The list went on and on, and Vivien zoned out for a bit. Then-

"Peter Parker"


"Logan Morgan"


"Casey Finn"


She looked toward the Slytherin table as Casey strode toward it, and her eyes met with Black's. She glanced away quickly and turned back to her table as the food appeared.

As soon as dinner ended, she and Remus led the first years up to the Gryffindor tower.

"The password is Gillyweed," she explained and the portrait door swung open.

Remus directed the girls to one side if the dorms and boys to the other.

Vivien went up to her own room which she shared with Ava, Ella and Scarlett and laid on her bed. It was going to be a long, complicated year.

A/N: Tysm for choosing this story to read, it won't disappoint! (updates might be a bit slow tho, sorry about that) I hope you will enjoy it! Add it to library, like and comment if you like it! Bye,

-- V.

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