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Regulus headed to potions class after finishing breakfast. His eye caught on a particular brunette, as she too, proceed to the classroom ahead of him. Regulus sighed, dreading sitting next to Evans during potions. On top of that, the prefect duties and astronomy. His patience was thinning.

Regulus, Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch went into the classroom and took their seats. Regulus removed his textbook and quill as the class waited for Slughorn to enter. Once he did, they continued their lesson on Strengthening Solution. Slughorn first explained it a little and then they had to prepare the potion.

"We have to get the ingredients," Evans said

Regulus scanned over the steps of the procedure and then they went to the potions cupboard to get the cauldron and ingredients.

On getting the required items, they headed back to their bench, and worked in silence, neither of them uttering a word, ignoring each other. Regulus added the ingredients. He noticed Evans adding salamander blood, which he had already added.

He caught he wrist just as she was about to tip the vial. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he chastised.

"Preparing the potion?" She said, looking irritated.

"I already added the salamander blood!"

"Well, how was I supposed to know that?" she snapped back. "Its not like I can read your mind."

"Maybe if you paid attention to what I added, you'd know."

"Maybe if you discussed what you've already added, I wouldn't have done that."

Regulus glared at her and she glared back. Then he rolled his eyes and looked away as Evans snatched away her wrist from his hand, which he hadn't realized he was still holding.

"Well, now only the powdered griffin claw is yet to be added. Then we'll be done." He huffed.

Evans added the powder to the cauldron and stirred 3 times anticlockwise, then-

"Now 3 times clockwise," he said.

"I know" she rolled her eyes.

"I didn't think you would."

Regulus exited the potions classroom in a temper. Just because of Vivien Evans. Merlin knows how she was so infuriating, annoying and irritating

"What's up?" Evan asked as they went up to the 5th floor for charms with the Ravenclaws.


"Ah,"Evan chuckled.

"What?" he snapped "nothing, just how since the last few days she's all you seem to talk or think about."

"So? That's because she's annoying the hell out of me. "

"I see."

On entering the charms classroom, Regulus went to sit with Pandora Lestrange. She'd been his best-friend since childhood, and was like a sister to him. Since she, too, was a pure-blood and as their families were close, they had spent majority of their childhood together. The Sorting Hat sorted her into Ravenclaw, despite her being a Lestrange. Though it bothered her family, they were not too disappointed since it was better than Gryffindor.

"What's wrong?" Pandora asked as he took the seat beside her.

"Nothing, I'm fine."

She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Not much, its just Evans."

"Oh, so you two are still bickering then?"

"Of course. It's not we're ever going to become friends. Never mind that, how are you? How come you didn't write to me more this summer?"

"I was busy. Mum wanted me to get etiquette lessons. Y'know, so that I'll be ready next year to get a suitor or whatever."

Regulus chuckled, "So how was it?

"How do you think? I couldn't wait for school to start. but what about you? I heard about Sirius."

Regulus grimaced "well, you know. the usual drama, but just this time it was even more tense, and mum finally snapped and blew him off the family tree." He glanced at her, "don't look at me like that" he said noticing her sympathetic stare

"Like what?"


"You can show emotions, you know. It's fine to be sad or angry at him."

"I'm fine."

"Merlin, you just cant show emotions or vulnerability can you?" she sighed.

"Hey, that's not true, I-" he got cut off as everyone greeted Flitwick as he entered.

A/N: Comment if you liked the chapter. Also, give your opinion - wolfstar or blackinnon?

-- V.

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