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Nunew is on the backstage having last touches for his hair and make up before his event. He will have the fan meet first and the press con after. He was busy browsing on his phone when Yim burst into his dressing room.

Yim shouted as he comes in making Nunew jump

"Phi! The heck?! Do you really need to shout?"
Nunew complain as he taps his chest. He looked at fae who also seemed like she almost had a heart attack.

"Boss, be thankful im wasnt putting an eyeliner. Or else Nunew would have been blind by now"
Fae told Yim

"Aaaaaw.. It wasnt that bad. Plus its a beautiful day to be happy today!"
Yim grinned like an idiot.

"Why? Why are you like this?"
Nunew eyes his friend

"What do you mean why?"
Yim asked him too.

"Phi, you're way too chirpy. You only do that when you're nervous. So tell me what did you do?"
Nunew raised an eyebrow at him.

"I didnt do anything! Uhmmmm. It's your first event after announcing that you're taking a break from tours and would stay in Thailand for a while. Maybe Im just nervous about the press"
Yim sheepishly said and looked away.

Nunew eyes him even more.

"So why are you here?"
Nunew asked once more

"Now what do you mean why am i here?"
Yim looks at him again

"Phi, you dont usually come to small events like this. You're the COO of Crown Ent. You yourself said that you dont have time to go to smaller events. So spit it out, why are you here?"
Nunew squints his eyes on Yim

Yim can keep it anymore, so he sighed and bit his lip as he shuffles side to side.

"So. Uhmmmm."
Yim started

Nunew raised his eyebrow again

"So I may have shopped a bit too much clothes at the mall next door and Im now trying to hide from Tutor because I used his card and his phone is probably blown up with all the bank notifications"
Yim blurted out fast.

Nunew blinked at him before laughing out loud. Even Fae and Leang couldnt help but laugh at their boss.

"Dont laugh! I was pissed at him!"
Yim whined.

Nunew giggled still as he looks at his friend.

Who would have thought that this petty idiot is the COO of the biggest entertainment agency in thailand?
Nunew says in his head.

"So you used my dressing room because he knows you wont stop by here?"
Nunew asked Yim as he plops down the sofa.

Yim said. He reached for some candies and plop one on his mouth.

Nunew was then called to the front. It's 5min before showtime. Nunew looked at Yim who stood up too.

"I thought you're hiding here?"
Nunew asked as they do final touches on him.

"Well Im already here, so why not watch my bestfriend who happens to be our biggest talent in the company right?"
Yim grinned

Nunew shakes his head at Nunew. Leang fitted his in ear piece while Fae fixed his collar.

"Whatever phi."
Nunew chuckles at him.

Yim walked with his friends with his hands in his pocket. He glanced at Nunew who looks so focused now.

You owe me Chawarin.

Yim says in his head and smirked.

The staff handed Nunew his mic and he was about to go up the stage when Yim pulled him back.

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