Chapter 22: Trust Issues.

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Character Introduction Class 1B, 14: Kawano Eiji


Hair: Fashionable and meticulously styled, constantly changing to keep up with the latest trends. It could be anything from perfectly tousled waves to a flamboyant dye job, depending on his current mood.

Eyes: A bright, almost startling blue, accentuated by expensive contact lenses. They often have a self-assured glint, reflecting his inflated sense of self-importance.

Height: Average, but he tends to puff up his chest and stand a little straighter in an attempt to appear taller.

Physique: Thin and lanky. He has never had to work for anything in his life, and it shows in his lack of physical conditioning.

Impression: Eiji screams wealth and privilege. He's always adorned with the latest designer clothes and flashy accessories. His carefully crafted image screams "look at me," and he thrives on the attention.

Personality: Eiji believes he's the center of the universe and that everything revolves around him. He expects the world to cater to his every whim and throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way. Eiji's wealth has insulated him from the realities of life. He lacks basic skills and common sense, often relying on others to clean up his messes. Eiji believes his family's money entitles him to special treatment. He looks down on those who aren't as wealthy and sees them as nothing more than supporting characters in his grand story. Despite his attempts to appear tough, Eiji crumbles under pressure. He's all bluster and no bite, relying on his wealth and connections to solve his problems.

Current social status: "Useless student" - Oreki

--Internal Monologue starts--

Today is a Sunday.

But I am working, why you may ask?

It's because I am now the leader of my class, and my class is 'statistically' the worst in the year. If I want to make it the best I need it to be a good all-rounder.

First NameLast Nameacademics

not smart[24] smart[16]Physical

Yes[17] no[23]OrekiKagenousmartYesAoyamaMamorunot smartYesKanoMizukinot smartNoTsuchiyaTakehikosmartYesKishimotoAkihirosmartNoTamashiroKentanot smartYesKazuomiHōsennot smartYesDomenShizukonot smartNoSetaDaichismartYesHiraiYukismartNoEguchiNaokismartNoOkuraDaisukesmartNoKawanoEijinot smartNoIchikawaHirokismartYesIshiharaShinnot smartYesYoshidaYasushinot smartNoKaseShigeonot smartNoTakahashiTorvaldsmartYesKogaHitoshismartNoKanaiDainot smartYesOkamuraHiroshinot smartNoAmayaIsaonot smartNoOkaMarikonot smartNoKikuchiMeguminot smartNoYamashitaChiekosmartNoTaketaHarukonot smartNoManoAyuminot smartNoOkaKiyomismartNoNishimotoNorikosmartYesShiraishiYukinot smartYesShimamotoTamikonot smartYesYokoyamaAyakanot smartNoFujiiMomokosmartNoOtakeMihonot smartYesDateKyonot smartNoMuraokaChiharunot smartNoArataKeikonot smartNoOshimaTerukosmartYesTsubasaNanasesmartYesMasakiYuminot smartNo

(The bold ones indicate ones which are deemed not good in both, but are good in other areas, and the ones which are both bold and italic are deemed useless.)

The table above are all my classmates, and there is about 16 smart ones, and 17 strong ones.

What I am going to do is assign every student in the class, a partner (maybe 2 for some) for both strength and intelligence. This will help them to improve in both areas. And I will make all of my class have an hour session in the morning in the gym, and 2 hours after the class to recap their studies and ask questions.

Twisting The TwistedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz