Episode 5: A Gamer's Boyfriend

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Marcy was playing on her handheld console in the school halls. She always found ways to smuggle these devices to school. She stared at the game she was playing oblivious to her surroundings. Due to this, she was usually one of the last people to arrive at the cafeteria for lunch.

Suddenly she felt herself trapped in front of a locker with two arms preventing her from walking. Marcy looked up to see a large boy standing in front of her.

"Hey Marcy..." the boy said.

"Hi..." Marcy replied sheepishly.

"Don't tell anyone but I've always liked girls with big head like you," the boy said.

Marcy blushed. "Uh... thanks? Who are you again?" She had seen him many times during gym class but never really spoke with him. She tried searching her memories, but she couldn't remember his name.

He momentarily looked offended. "I am Dante of course. You know me."

"Uh... no...?" Marcy replied.

Dante shrugged. "Well Marcy if you ever wanted to know what it's like to date a real man. Come find me after school today. I'd certainly like to go out with you." He finally let her go and wandered off.

At first Marcy just watched him leave while being confused. Then she went back to her game. When she finally arrived at lunch, she found her friends who were already eating.

"Hey guys!" Marcy called out as she sat down.

"Hey Mar Mar! Still playing that game?" Sasha asked.

"Yeah! It's called Creatures and Caverns Tactics. I really like the customization options," Marcy said.

"What kind of character did you make?" Drake asked.

"Just the standard adventuring party. Actually, since the game allows for a whole team of custom characters. I was wondering if you guys would be willing to make your own characters for my next playthrough," Marcy said.

"Eh... I don't know anything about this game..." Anne said.

"I can't really imagine a character," Sasha said.

"How about you Drake?" Marcy asked seeing how he was silent.

"I guess I could try," Drake replied.

"It's easy. Just pick a unit type and make a name," Marcy explained.

She handed Drake the device and allowed him to make his own character. He fiddled around with the customization options, not really reading what any ability did.

"Hey guys check it out," Anne nudged Sasha. She pointed towards a young boy sitting at another table and looking at them. "Dante is looking at us..."

"He's so dreamy..." Sasha cooed.

"He actually offered to go out on a date with me," Marcy said.

"Wait really?" Anne was surprised.

"Lucky!" Sasha exclaimed.

Marcy looked between her two jealous friends. "I wasn't really sure what to make of it. I don't really know if I plan on going-"

"You have to go on this date!" Anne said.

"What?" Marcy asked surprised.

"A chance to go out with a guy like him comes once in a lifetime. Don't let him slip through your fingers," Sasha explained.

"You may regret it for the rest of your life," Anne added.

Marcy thought about what they said. "Well if you put it like that. I guess it couldn't hurt to go..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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