Chapter Three: The Pet

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I woke the next morning with my mind still shielded.
Moria brought me breakfast of safe fruits and a tea, bathed and then covered my skin in a glittering lotion that made my pale skin shimmer with micro stars of colours and smell like wildflowers.
She curled my hair and dressed me in two slips of an opalescent white silk.
The top was held by two thin silver chains that slung the top down into a wide V, the fabric just wide enough to cover my breasts but the design and length revealed more than I liked.
The skirt was just as short, barely covering either side of me.
Bending would be impossible without someone seeing everything.
I shivered at the thought as Moria guided me through the halls and into the throne room.
I almost sighed with relief when I saw it was empty but one throne.
Prince Viktor sat, his leg crossed and tilting his head as Moria pushed me into the room.
"Ah, pet, you are a vision." He smiled as I crossed the room.
I bowed just enough. "It is your day with me, your Majesty." I kept my voice light, the hatred I felt locked under the pile of sand in my mind.
The Court had chosen to pass me between the royal members each day.
From dawn until midnight, I was whichever Faerie royal summoned me.
Today, Prince Viktor had called.
He smiled ruefully at me as I straightened, his dark eyes taking their time to stare at my body that was exposed and the slips of fabric he had chosen for me.
My stomach, arms and legs shimmered as control magic made me turn, already my arms wide enough the shirt rode up exposing the bottom of my breasts.
His eyes flashed with a lust and swirled with a dormant magic.
He stood then, stepping towards me and wrapping his arm around my exposed waist. I shivered at the coldness of his hands as they circled me.
His other hand rose, circling the nipple that peaked in reaction to the cold.
He chuckled, a deep noise from his throat. He pulled me close, his breath cold on my ear.
"Dance for me, pet." He stepped away, a pulse of magic filling the room with seductive music and my body started to move.
I hide my tears and focused on forming the sand into something stronger while my body betrayed me.
I ran my hands along Prince Viktors chest, pushing him to his throne.
His smirk was filled with dominance and desire as I climbed his lap and danced on him.
The sand heated, my anger burning it to molten glass.
Prince Viktor's cold hands brushed my thighs, his silken touched making me sigh in enjoyment as he slipped beneath the fabric and grasped the flesh, squeezing and kneading it as I writhed against him.
"Such a beautiful mortal." He cooed against my neck when I leaned down.
His teeth grazed my skin and my mouth released a noise of pleasure, one of his hand slipping between my thighs, feeling the hateful natural reaction that soaked the area.
The glass melted into the stone below the surface, coating my mind with something else.
He chuckled deeply, his hands moving to my breasts after a moment of playing with me.
I hid a shaken breath of violation. The shield on my mind shining like diamonds.
Something stroked against it, testing the new coating.
It didn't falter when a large burst of power struck it, at the same time Prince Viktor's mouth descended onto my nipple he exposed.
I gasped, my eyes opened. I sat on the Prince's lap, his hands on my breast as he nibbled and feast on them between caresses.
He pushed me down into his lap, the enjoyment of my body evident as he ground the thick length against my core and bit down on my breast.
I gave a cry of pain and pleasure.
In the shadows behind the throne, eyes of crystal blue watched as my body danced and moved against Prince Viktor, the music swelling.
King Oberon watched as I danced, a pulse of control pulling me off the Prince's lap to continue a dance before them both.
I folded, bent and crawled, pulses of control moving my body from two kinds of magic.
Another stroke against my mind, this one cold and chilling.
Surprise rumbled as it stroked the shield on my mind, locking my thoughts and emotions behind it safely.
A mocking laughter followed as the feeling left. My eyes met king Oberon's again, he smirked as he disappeared into the shadows, Prince Viktor pulling me back to his lap.
Besides stopping to eat lunch and dinner, both of which he sat me on his lap and fed me bite by bite.
His hands caressing my body as if it was his.
As if I wasn't a person! With feelings and desires of my own!
I kept my tears at bay and danced until midnight, the Prince touching me and kissing anywhere he saw fit, though only his hands ever caressed below my skirt and he never kissed my lips.
It seemed the knowledge of my virginity had spread. It was another level to the game they would play with me.
Who could break through the humans mind and make her beg to be bedded.
The diamond necklace and shield on my mind would protect me for now, but I had to become stronger.
I knew the magic they used on me now was just testing, seeing how easy I was to manipulate.
They would get bored of it soon.
The silver eyed Faerie appeared as I changed for bed, moving slowly as my body ached.
She sat on the lounge and ignited the fireplace, calling in a tray of tea.
"Drink with me," she held her hand out, her pale skin shimmering with a natural glow. I sat down, almost thankful for the being off my feet.
She gave me a gentle smile, the cup of steaming tea floating to me.
I smiled back as I took it, grateful for the familiar smell of chamomile.
"You are correct about the royals," she mused as we drank.
I looked at her over my cup.
"They are just testing you, for now." She stroked the mental shield. "You have learned alot quicker than I thought capable. But, their magic can still weaken your resolve to keep that shield up." She placed her cup down, the room filling with a darkness.
I placed my own cup down and sat forward, waiting.
"Korna will start to give you Fae foods and wines, to help you learn to navigate the haze." Her voice dropped, the darkness filling the room and fear twisted my stomach. "But our magic is not something you can adapt to easily, you will have to learn to shield yourself from all kinds. Lest you wish to be bedded and bound here."
She stroked my shield that trembled.
I gasped, quickly solidifying it once more. 
The thoughts of my sisters, my home and my fears locking themselves away and shining against the darkness that scratched the surface.
"I will learn." I promised.
The Faerie rose then, ending our nightcap.
As she turned to leave I stood. "Do I at least get a name to call you?"
She looked at me over her shoulder, her eyes flashing with an ancient wonder.
"You may call me Tia." She bowed her head and vanished.
I laid in bed, weaving more layers into my mental shield before I drifted off to a dreamless sleep, the feeling of magic scrapping against the new strength of my mind with amusement.

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