Chapter Two: A Pure Soul

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This land was filled with Faeries of all colours and kinds. Some proudly wore their wings, colours of iridescent I'm very shade, dressed in elegant regal clothing that glistened. Their skin and eyes in every colour of the rainbow.
I had been here two days already.
Prince Darius sent two Faerie women to bring me food, help me bathe everyday, on the third day, just after they had brought me a small lunch, they dressed me in a white flowing dress of silk.
It was stunning and it fit me like a glove, the embroidery of golden stars across the fabric was mesmerising.
The Faerie named Korna, blue skinned, large black eyes with no white and sharp teeth, skilfully twisted my hair with flowers, leaves and pearls.
"The King wishes to meet you," she hissed, her voice like sand falling. It was the first time she'd spoken to me in words I understood, usually communicating with me in Fae and gesturing to whatever she wanted me to do.
The other, Moria, pink skinned with the same large eyes as Korna, but her wings were out, flashes of blues and green that stole my breath as she worked around me. She had spoken to me a few times, asking questions of curiousity about the human world. She was kind and would often translate what Korna was saying when I didn't understand.
She had taken it upon herself to cover my face in makeup.
Glitter across my eyes, rouge on my cheeks and lips.
When they were done, they guided me through the halls.
The magic that filled the Seelie Court altered the appearance every time I had tried to wander alone, becoming lost and only being able to find the door back to my room, finding either Korna or Moria waiting for me with smirks of amusement.
Every other servant and maid avoided speaking to me, most would just stare at me in wonder.
The banquet hall was grand and glistening.
Two tables filled with foods and delicacies I'd only every read about filled the room, surrounded by golden seats filled with the Faeries of the Seelie Court, dressed in the most beautiful clothing, some wings fluttered in curiosity as I walked behind Moira and Korna to the set of thrones that sat at the end of the hall.
"I present, King Oberon, Queen Erina and their chosen, Prince Darius, Prince Viktor and Prince Serus." Moria said, her voice like water trinkling.
King Oberon started down from his centre throne, piercing blue eyes and long silver hair. I couldn't read his expression.
Queen Eira sat to his left, beautiful with golden hair and a dress the colour of forest green and lined with golden chains. She gave me a gentle smile.
Prince Darius sat to his right, a smirk on his face as his eyes washed over me, a flash of possessiveness as he took in the diamond necklace and bracelet I still wore.
Prince Viktor sat beside Prince Darius, my heart racing at seeing the face of the dark haired Fae again.
The thought of him using his magic against me flashed in my mind, a hint of magic coating my tongue.
His lips curled in a sinful smile as the flashes turned to what he saw. Me exposed and helpless.
I turned my eyes to Prince Serus who sat beside the queen on the last throne. He was younger and handsome, curling hair of brown and eyes of bright green, he watched me with curiousity.
I bowed to the royal family as Moria and Korna stopped, stepping beside me.
"We present the gift of the humans." Korna bowed and they both disappeared into the crowd.
I swallowed fear as I rose, keeping my eyes low.
"What is your name, mortal?" The king's voice was a booming sound of thunder, sending a commanding shiver of pure power through me.
"Eliana, your Majesty." My voice was a whisper, fear gripping me.
A thundering chuckle. "And how do you find the realm of Faeries?" His voice dripped with something that made me blood heat.
My eyes betrayed me and met the unnerving smile of Prince Viktor.
I forced my eyes to the stone marble, the colour of warm whites and yellows.
I gritted my teeth as I answered truthfully. "It has been a learning experience."
A falter. Unexpected response but the King found no lies in my words.
I had learnt things in my few days within the Seelie Court walls.
The allure of magic and food, the hushed whispers of curiosity and speculation about my arrival and existence.
Feeling the King seem annoyed by my reply, I quickly added. "This world is filled with many beautiful things, but I see your people are curious of me." I gave a defiant looked at him through my lashes, seeing my words ring true across faces of the royals as servants who fluttered about them, handing them golden plates of food offerings and goblets filled with rich wine.
"Is it true Faeries like games?" I asked suddenly, straightening.
The king blinked, surprised by my forwardness.
Prince Darius covered the smirk that grew on his face with his goblet.
The king rose a peppered brow curiously, smirking as he leaned forward.
"As the Courts plaything, you will learn many games." His eyes crossed to Prince Viktor as he leaned back, still smirking.
His words rang through my bones.
"Plaything?" I repeated in a whisper.
The smile turned cruel as the king rose.
My eyes flashed to Prince Darius, a look of concern and anger as the king descended the steps and stepped to me.
He held a goblet out, his hand covered in golden rings with large gems.
"Drink." His voice wove a spell around me and I took the goblet from him, taking a large mouthful and swallowing it purposefully.
The king smiled at me as music started to play.
"Humans are curious beings." The king's hot breath was on my ear, the goblet gone and I was in his arms, being guided around in a dance. My bones felt like they were sparkling with magic, following the spell the king continued to weave as he held me close.
"I wish to play a game with you, little pet." His voice was thick and heavy, the hand on my back lowered, squeezing my hips into his.
The necklace of diamonds warmed, another spell flooding my mind.
"So you not already have a queen to play with?" My voice was laced with mortal defiance.
The hand on my back tightened painfully and I gasped a noise of pain, the king smirked at me.
"Don't assume you know the ways of the Court, mortal." He spun me, dipping me and I met the eyes of the queen.
A smile of seduction and want filled her expression as the king ran a hand from my throat, down between my breast before he pulled me back into his arms.
I slammed into his chest, meeting his eyes as he grabbed my hand and continued to guide us.
"I take what I desire." His nose ran along my neck. "Now, play with me."
The words wove another spell and I leaned into his touch. I know I couldn't resist the magic forever, even with gifts of protection.
If I wanted to see my sister's again. I had to play the games of the Seelie Court and find a way to win. Find a way to win my freedom.
"What is your game?" I whispered against him.
He chuckled, a noise as warm as the summer sun. "It is simple." He stopped, spinning me in his arms and gestured to a group of servants who waited in the corner by the thrones.
They stared at us expectantly. The king had organised this game in advance.
I swallowed as he took my hand and guided me towards them.
They were Faeries of all manner, males and femes.
All dressed in servants attire and their hands behind their back.
"One of these Faeries, isn't from this Court." The king's voice said in my ear. I shivered but stayed staring ahead. "Which one?"
I fought the urge to turn to him and stared at him.
How could I possibly tell the difference? I wasn't sure I'd ever met a Faerie from another Court.
I stepped away from the king, towards the servants and looked over them.
They were all beautiful in their own way, some in more terrifying ways I knew would haunt me.
I don't know what I was looking for, but something sprung to mind when I met the eyes of a pale skinned Faerie woman, she had eyes of liquid silver and lips and red as cherries. Something about her sung to me, weaving magic into my veins and the thing in my mind formed into an answer.
I turned to the king. His eyes glittered with curiousity as he watched me, as did the rest of the room.
He rose a brow, smirking. "Do you have an answer?"
I rose my own eyebrow in defiance. "You did not give me the terms of our game. What are the prizes?"
The King laughed, a hearty rumbling noise. The servants and Court echoed him.
I bit down my want to glare at them, keeping my face docile and curious.
He settled me with hard blue eyes, their mischievous shine gone.
"If you win, you are free for the night to enjoy yourself." He paused, smiling in a way that turned my stomach. "If you lose, you are my toy for the night. You will return to your chambers when I am done with you."
I couldn't stop my chest for heaving with a heavy breath of fear and I stumbled back. I fought with the answer that lingered on my tongue, terrified of getting the answer wrong.
The thought of Prince Viktor intruded.
King Oberon smiled, a taste of magic as he read my thoughts.
"I'll do much more than watch." His voice was coated in a promise.
I clenched my fist, setting him with a hard glare. My answer burned on my tongue, demanding to be heard.
"They are all of your Court." The shocked look on his face made my lip twitch with a smirk. "Sorry to ruin your night." I turned away from him then, crossing my arms and looking at the servants. I heard him scoff in surprise and order a drink as he returned to his seat, chuckling to the queen about a lucky guess.
The silver eyed woman smirked and stepped forward, offering me a goblet.
"This is a weaker wine for you," she breathed, her voice soft and trickled like water. I smiled as I took it, Moria and Korna coming to stand beside me and guided me to a seat at the right of the head of the table before Prince Darius.
I caught the proud smirk on his lips as he watched me. Korna filling my plate with foods she deemed acceptable.
The sound of surprise and whispers filled the room. For a time, they ignored me, speaking amongst themself in Fae and glancing at me.
I ignored them, eating my food slowly, unsure how much would alter my state.
It seemed Korna had chosen very carefully, most of my food seemed bland compared to small pieces cake and pudding she gave me. But the fog of rose that came with them was warning enough as to why they were almost irresistible.
Almost. I echoed inside myself.
I watched as the Faeries watched how I moved. How I tasted food and reacted to it, how drinks made me pull certain faces or make certain noises.
I started to make vocal notes of what I liked and didn't, speaking towards Moira or Korna but loud enough the Faeries around me could hear.
They would giggle or whisper to each other with everything I said.
The silver eyed Faerie brought me another drink, giving me a smile.
I touched her hand, getting her attention.
"I appreciate your help." I smiled coyly, taking the drink. She gave me a knowing smile back, her finger stroking my hand as she stood.
A quake of a voice rocked through my mind.
You are special, mortal.
Her mouth opened and the same voice spoke. "Do you wish for a nightcap?" Her voice was light but it was hinting.
I glanced around, seeing it was late and despite my appearance keeping many of the Faeries in their seats, a few were asleep on their hands or on the table in front of them.
The queen and youngest Prince had disappeared, leaving the king and his two sons watching me with a mix of curiousity and wicked thoughts.
I met the silver eyed woman's eyes and nodded, forcing a yawn I covered with my hand.
"That would be lovely." I stood and Moria and Korna flanked me, guiding me before the royal men.
I bowed, choosing my words carefully. "This has been a wonderful learning experience." I rose, smiling at them each. "Goodnight, your Majesty's."
Korna touched my arm and I turned to follow her.
Prince Viktor spoke loud enough to the king to be heard across the hall. "It's a shame she won. She is quite a sight under those clothes."
The king's response made my stomach content turn to liquid as the door closed.
"I'll taste her soon enough."

I shook with fear, sticking close to Korna as she led me to my room through the maze of the halls. She sent Moira off to bed.
"That was well done, mortal." She sighed, her voice soothing something me.
I stopped shaking.
"I was scared to be wrong." I admitted.
Korna opens the door to my room, I almost questioned it, not realising we had already walked such a distance but I realised the room wasn't the same.
The set out was, but the colours were forest green and deep oak browns.
Leaves and flowers lined the wall in climbing vines around the windows and fireplace, magic filling it with faeriefire warmth and glow.
"Your correct answer has allowed you be in a more appropriate room for a Royal Pet." She guided me into the room, using the simple magic she had to call in a nightgown and slippers.
She filled the bath in the other room while I undressed and unpicked the items from my hair.
She washed my face and hair, covering my skin with wonderful smelling lotions and setting my hair into curls to sleep in before dressing me.
As she led me to the fireplace, a glow appeared on one of the lounges, the silver eyed Faerie sitting in its place when it disappeared.
"Hello, mortal." She smiled softly, gesturing to the seat across from her.
Korna guided me to it and sat beside me, bowing to the woman.
"Who are you?" I whispered, putting my hands together on my lap.
She giggled, chimes in the wind. "I am just a friend."
My eyes narrowed. "I didn't know I had any."
Another jingle of chimes, her and Korna sharing a look. I almost felt shame for saying that infront of Korna, after the kindness she had shown me, but the Faerie world was filled with tricks and lies, fueled by desires and whims.
I didn't trust them, not enough to call them a friend.
I wasn't sure I could call anyone that after the betrayal and games I had already been subjected to.
"You have a soul that is unlike any I've seen." She smirked, leaning back into the lounge. "A soul of a witch."
Korna stiffened beside me as my eyes widened.
"A what?" My words were choked.
"A witch," she said simply, as if I'd just misheard her. "A being of pure magic, something very rare in humans. Tell me, where did you come from?" She titled her head and I felt a wave of magic try and force my words.
The necklace warmed and I scowled.
"The human realm." I clipped.
She laughed, a wonderful noise that filled the room. "Prince Viktor said you were smart! Tell no lies by talking basic truths, clever." She waved a finger at me, smirking.
My mouth twitched, fighting a smile of pride.
She waved her hand, clearly bored with the topic. "Wherever you're from, it seems your ancestors had ties to our world." She turned to me, her voice becoming the stone below us and my bones rattled. "You can be used as a pawn, tricked and played into the bed. Where you will become a power source to which ever royal takes you there." Her eyes darkened, her head tilting down to set me with a fierce expression. "Or I can teach you how to control your magic and thoughts, so you can maybe save your sisters."
My eyes widened in fear. "How?"
She laughed, this time with darkness and something pressed against my mind.
"You have no wards or protection against mind-reading. Anyone with my power could hear your thoughts, loud and clear."
My heart raced. My mind had been open to anyone who was listening.
Had that been why so many snickered and laughed at me during dinner?
I squared my jaw at the woman. Feeling something swirl inside of me, the pressure on my mind eased a fraction.
She smiled. "Good." The pressure vanished and I sighed, my body crumpling into the lounge.
Korna put her arm around me, supporting me.
I felt exhausted and frail, my bones felt like they would shatter if I wasn't careful.
"The cost of magic has a price. The strain will wear off after you have learnt to control it better, until then, be careful what you use it for." She waved her hand across the table and a steaming cup of tea appeared.
"I will test your mind shield everyday, be prepared. Your training has started witch." She vanished into thin air in a blink of an eye.
Korna helped me drink the tea, it made me feel stronger but my mind was still struggling.
I stumbled to the bed and was covered by the magic warmed blankets.
"I appreciate your presence, Korna." I said into the darkness as the faeriefire went out but the warmth of it remained.
As I slipped into a peaceful slumber, Kornas voice rushed like sand into my mind before I could push up a barrier.
"Beware the magic and spells that are woven on you and this place." She hissed in to the void of my mind. "Play the games, but keep on your toes." The voice disappeared and I was alone.
I pushed barrier around my mind, like covering a treasure in sand. It wasn't strong and it took me a few deep breathes to solidify it, but I feel into an exhausted sleep, my mind shielded and my dreams my own.

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