9: Nearing Summer's End

Start from the beginning

"Jake?" She asks snapping me out of my thoughts.


"What's wrong?"

"I was wondering the same about you."

"What do you mean?" She cocks her head to the side. I walk over and sit beside her.

"Look." I take her arm in my hand and show her the marks. Black marks shooting up her arms like lighting bolts. Her eyes widen with fear.

"What is it?" Her voice starts to shake.

"I don't know, Carlisle isn't sure about it either." I lace my fingers through hers.

"It's getting worse, isn't it?" El's head drops slowly. I gently squeeze her hands.

"It's gonna be okay, don't worry." I pull her head to my shoulder. She wraps her arms around my neck and starts to cry. I rub her back and hold her closer. "You're gonna be okay."

Her sniffles die down slowly as her arms slide down to my chest. She curls up and slightly rocks. I hold her head in one of my hands and wrap the other around her. Elizabeth slides her hands down and squeezes my sides.

"You okay?" I ask. She doesn't answer. "El?"

"What?" She mutters.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine, I quess. Just a little tired."

"That's not what it is, I know better."

"My stomach hurts a little, but that's it."

El moves her arms and rubs them snuggling closer.

"Are you cold?" I ask. She nods as her teeth start to chatter. I grab my jacket off the floor and wrap it around her. I pull her closer before draping a blanket over her. The corners of her mouth tug up into a small smile as her eyes close.
************************************************Three Days Later********

I'm still not getting any better, worse actually. Jacob monitors me closely, like he's afraid that something bad could happen to me at any second. I don't blame him, but it makes me more worried. I mean, I'm scared enough already. When Jake gets scared, I know that something's bad, it isn't normal for him to act like this. Jake normally doesn't leave my side, which isn't really hard, I barely ever leave my spot on the bed. During the day he sits beside me, at night he holds me closer than what he used to. I think I like this Jake better, even though it's the same Jake, just always there instead of leaving for 5 minutes every now and then. I'd probably enjoy it more if I wasn't in my condition, scratch that, I would.

"How bad does it hurt?" Jake asks rubbing my arm.

"It doesn't." Total lie.

"You're lying." He sighs.

"It barely hurts." I shrug.

"Elizabeth." His voice is still soft, just a little more annoyed. I just don't want him to worry that's all.

"Fine, it hurts, but I can handle it."

"Let me see your arm." I hold my arm out, he lets out a sigh when he's sees that the marks have gotten worse.

"Jacob I'm-" Suddenly a sharp pain shoots through my side making me sit up and hunch over clutching my stomach. Jacob holds my hair back with one hand and rubs my back with the other. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and slowly lay back down. He looks at me his eyes filled with worry.

"No you're not." He sighs. I grab a strand of my hair and play with it avoiding eye contact. "You're getting worse by the second."

He pulls the hand play with my hair away and holds it rubbing the pad of his thumb against my knuckles. I start to doze off, but then the sharp pain returns. I sit up clutching my side, the pain starts to be to much. I wince as tears slide down my face. Jake sighs at knowing that there's nothing he can do to help. The pain dies down as I slowly pull my arm away and slide back down to the bed. Jake lies his hand on my stomach and rubs in small circles. I slowly intertwine my hand with his. He forces a smile then kisses my forehead.

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