Chapter 24: Talk?

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Bose and his mom were talking and then he stopped.
Bose: Hold on Mom, Hey Chapa can we talk?
Chapa: Yeah.
They both walk out, closing the door behind them.
Bose: Hey what did you mean "That talk?"
Chapa: Oh um... when we were doing the play-musical or whatever, he was talking bad about you so I said a few things.
Bose: Oh Okay...
Chapa: Okay... you want to go back?
Bose: Yeah...
She touched the door.
Bose: Chapa wait.
She turned around.
Chapa: Yeah what's up?
Bose: Just wanted to say sorry about the... plane thing... It was a dumb idea and I just wanted to apologize.
Chapa: It's fine.
Looks up.
Bose: Really?
Chapa: Yeah.
Bose Oh okay.
Chapa: Let's go.
They go back in and Bose and his mom continue their conversation but he keeps catching a glimpse of Chapa once in a while, then Mika asks.
Mika: Hey do we know if it was an accident?
Chapa: No not yet-
A police officer comes in.
Officer: Hey is this the O'Brien family?
Bose: Yes.
Officer: Oh okay I have news can I take someone for a second?
Bose: Yes.
Bose gestured for Chapa to go.
Chapa: Okay I'll go.
Chapa and the Officer leave the room.
Chapa: So what's the news?
Officer: So we did investigate and we found that it was not an accident.
Chapa: Really.
Officer: Yes.
Chapa: Okay.
Then he walks away with no other words just walks away, Chapa eventually goes back in.
Bose: So what did he say?
Chapa: That it wasn't an accident.
Bose: Really?
Chapa: Yeah, but I have a feeling.
Bose: Like what?
Chapa: That something bad is going to happen.

A few hours later.

Chapa's dream:
I was in front of my house and I was dredging to go inside like always, but I went in and... it was quiet no yelling no beatings... just... quiet... but... dark not like a nice calming quiet but... a scary quiet... something dark is in there... I reluctantly take a walk threw and then I see it... in the kitchen, my step-mom holding a knife and staring at me... and then I see darkness unfold behind her... it was black... but a hint of red... and then I look to the left of my kitchen seeing sage and my stepdad standing over Mika and Miles is body and then I feel something behind me I look and it was one of them staring... and I see something... I see my body on the floor my step-mom standing I start crying and then black shroud me, and I see all of them all of the souls that are trapped in their spell... but one was different... one I felt evil nothing but evil... and then I see my friends and then they were painted red... and then I finally wake up... with a gasp and a cold sweat, but I see it in front of me I start crying even more tired than before.
Chapa:(Mutter) Please...
And I wake up again and I see everyone around me.
Bose: Oh thank God, we are here.
I couldn't help it I grabbed him and hugged him, Thank God I didn't get to see his body... I start crying.
Chapa: I know... who it was...
Miles: Who?
Chapa: It was... the gang...
Mika: I think this is way bigger than what we thought.
Chapa; Mhm...
Miles: Chapa...
Chapa: Oh... what...
Miles: You were falling asleep.
Bose: Yeah hun you look even more tired than when you fell asleep.
Letting go of her.
Chapa: Yeah I feel worse too.
Bose: Okay I'll sleep with you.
Chapa: Okay...
Bose: Okay you guys turn off the light.
Miles: Okay...
Mika and Miles turn around and start whispering to each other.
Mika: How do you think this is going to go?
Miles: Don't you?
Mika: Me neither.
Miles: Well I guess we'll find out.
Miles: Turns off the light.
( Still in the hospital, Chapa was sleeping on the Couch now Bose was sleeping on there with her, the twins were sleeping on the other two couches, and Bose was sleeping on the floor with his mom.)

I'm back this one is a little short but it's something at least.

Thank you guys for being patient ❤️

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