Chapter 8: Saving Chapa part 2

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In the old Wear house:
Chapa: Brainstorm, why did you do that.
Brainstorm: How do I get you out of here.
Mika: I think it's this button that says power off.
Brainstorm: Oh yeah, alright.
Brainstorm clicks the button, and it turns off and releases chapa. She falls in his arms with no shoes so sens the floor is pretty rough, so he picks her up and puts her under an old table while they fight.
Brainstorm: Stay here, ok.
Chapa: ....ok...
Brainstorm: You ok?
Chapa: Yeah, just in pain.
Brainstorm: ok, hold on, ok
Chapa nods, and brainstorm goes to AWOL to see if he can telaport chapa to the man's nest, and he couldn't because he was fighting, so he went back to her
Brainstorm: Ok, so what hurts you.
Chapa: My stomach, and my neck.
Brainstorm: Ok, do you mind if I..... um take a look.
And points at her stomach.
Chapa:Um, yeah.
She undoes her robe, and there is a big cut on her stomach.
Brainstorm: Oh wow, ok.
Chapa: I- Is it bad.
Brainstorm: N- No no of course not, don't worry about it, ok?
Chapa: You're lying to me, aren't you.
Brainstorm: No of cour- Damn I mean of course not, I'll be right back ok.
Chapa: Okay.
Brainstorm goes and finds a first aid cit, then goes back to chapa.
Brainstorm: This is going to hurt a little.
Chapa: Just do it.
Brainstorm: Ok.
Brainstorm puts some alcohol on it and starts cleaning with a cotton ball,
Chapa is whimpering in pain, then she grabs brainstorming hands.
Brainstorm: I'm sorry I'm almost done, though ok just hold my hand.
He finally finishes and raps it.
Brainstorm: Let's take a look at your neck.
Chapa: Ok.
Brainstorm raps the robe back around chapa. She sits up a little bit and shows him her neck.
Brainstorm: Ok, there are only a few cuts.
He cleans, then raps.
Brainstorm : You ok.
Chapa: Thank you, and also, I'm sorry for overreacting like that when we were in the man's nest.
Brainstorm: It's fine, but I shouldn't have done what I did.
Chapa: Thank you.
Chapa hugs Brainstorm, and he hugs back not too hard, so he doesn't hurt her more.
Brainstorm: Alright, I need to go fight.
Chapa: Ok.
Brainstorm goes to help fight.
Brainstorm: Ok, what do you want me to do.
Miles: Okay, can you go help Captain Man fight the tobbler.
Bose: Yeah, ok.
But before he could, Rick got up and started fighting brainstorming.
Rick: How could you do that now you're going to pay.
Rick pulls out a knife and cuts brainstorm in the chest and lip. The chapa gets up and gets between them.

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