Chapter 18:The Plan

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In the man's nest:
Ray: Well ok... Are you too good?
Chapa:Yeah... what's the stupid plan?
Ray: You sure you are good?
Chapa: I'm fine what is the plan?
Ray: Okay Okay... any ray the plan is quite simple, you just need to go between the wear house and the greenhouse and you say " Hey I'm lost." In whatever voice just make it flattering.
Chapa: Yeah I know.
Ray: Okay, but they are going... or might let you in their hideout and your job is to find out as much information as you can, and ask little questions.
Chapa: Okay.
Ray: And then we come in so that's all you do.
Chapa: Okay...
Ray: Alright... AWOL!
AWOL: "YEAH" What's up?
Ray: The plan.
Indicating to Chapa.
AWOL looking at Chapa and back at Ray with a confused face.
AWOL: ... Ohh... Okay.
Ray: You know where to teleport her right?
AWOL: Of course... where do I teleport her?
Ray: Jesus-  Right here teleport her right here.
Pointing at the TV computer.
AWOL: Mm... Okay, let's go.
He teleports her between the wear house and the greenhouse and leaves, Chapa has an earphone in her ear, and a camera built into her necklace.
Ray: Are you in your place?
Chapa looking around.
Chapa: ... Dude... you're seeing what I'm seeing.
Ray: ... I'll take that as a yes.
Chapa rolls her eyes.
Ray: Okay... Now you wait.
Chapa: Okay... that's what I'm doing.
Ray: Okay that's what you should be doing.
Chapa: Well that's exactly what I'm doing.
Ray: Yeah exactly what you're supposed to
Chapa: Okay shut up.
The gang comes Chapa walks out looking confused.
Chapa: Oh hey boys um I'm a bit lost.
Leader: Oh well we just had dinner I didn't think dessert would be coming so fast.
Chapa: Really.
Leader: Yeah right boys.
1#: Yeah.
2#: she looks so good I could just-
Leader: Okay boys calm down, my lady where do you need to go?
Chapa: Well what gentlemen, well you know I just would like a couple of coins to get me on the bus-
Leader: Oh no a lady like you could never go on a nasty bus like that, let me show you something better.
Chapa: Ha Okay.
Ray: Good job.
They walk over to a very nice van, he goes to the passenger side and opens the door for her.
Chapa: Thank you.
She gets in.
Ray: Alright we're in.
The Leader gets in and starts the van, while the other two are in the back.
Leader: Hey what is your name my lady?
Ray: Your name is Helen Louis.
Chapa: Helen, Helen Louis.
Leader: Nice to meet you, Helen, my name is Anthony but my Nickname is Shadow Stalker, and this one's name is Derek(#1) but his nickname is Gloom Gazer, And then his name is Graham but we call him Phantom Freak.
Chapa: Wow nice names.
Shadow: Thank you, but Helen have you had any food yet?
Chapa: No I have not, but you know I'll be fine-
Shadow: Oh you probably starving we will take you to get something to eat.
Chapa: Oh well thank you.
He starts driving.
Gloom: Hey boss.
Shadow: What?
Gloom: We need to talk about the... plan.
Shadow: Oh yeah... that can wait.
Gloom: Okay...
Ray: Dang it.
The leader pulls into Nacho's ball.
Shadow: Okay you stay here we will be right back.
Chapa: Okay.
Shadow: Let's go.
The 3 get out.
Ray: Okay chapa this is your chance to investigate.
But she stays where she is and doesn't move, and doesn't say anything.
Ray: Chapa... can you hear me?
Chapa starts singing.
Chapa:🎵 There is someone in the shadows, that is stuck in the Borrow,
Don't move or you'll die, don't spy and you'll fly... There is something in the shadows, that is stuck in the harrows if he finds out... then he is going to make you shout... you have to stay alive... you need to survive.🎵
Ray:... Chapa, what's going on?
Chapa:🎵 I can hear you, but I don't choose to, don't kill me, I can live for a fee, but they fell apart, in a closed dart.🎵
Mika: I think she's trying to tell us something.
Chapa: Mhm...
Mika: Yeah... Chapa keeps going.
Mika grabs a pencil and paper.
Chapa:🎵 Their names mean death is coming, I can hear him Drumming, He's in the shadows behind me, Living for a fee, Just a few names can kill, Their singing for the thrill.🎵
Mika: So the bad guy's names mean Death is coming.
Chapa: Mhm...
Mika: Okay someone is in the shadows behind you... or something.
Chapa:... Mhm...
Mika: Okay.
They start coming back.
Shadow: Hey we're back? ( He sounded confused)
Chapa: Okay.
Phantom: How did she-
Gloom: Shut up.
Chapa: What does he mean?
Shadow: Oh don't worry about it, um... but where do you need to go my lady.
Chapa: Oh you can just drop me off at Florida East 4th Street.
Shadow: Okay.
Chapa: Mhm...
He drives to the Street.
Shadow: Bye my lady.
Chapa: Bye thank you for the food.
Shadow: Mhm.
She closes the door and they speed off, the AWOL teleports to her and teleports back to the Man's nest.
Ray: Dang it, it didn't work.
Chapa: I hid the Earphones in the Van.
Ray: Really.
Chapa: Yeah.
Ray: Okay, Mika press record on the Earphones.
Mika: Already did.
Ray: Okay... Now what happened in there?
Chapa: Umm...
Mika: Chapa...
Chapa: ... They're names.
Ray: What about Their names?
Chapa: Shadow Stalker means a Stalker for the shadows or a spy or even a leader, Gloom Gazer means a communicator or something that gazes upon people or things, and Phantom Freak is fake or imagination or in some cases... a monster in the shadows.
Ray: So what are you saying?
Chapa: I'm saying that I don't think they're are only 3...
Ray: You think there are 4...
Chapa: I think that there are a lot more...
Ray: But you said in some cases...
Chapa: I hear them behind me...
Mika: But we didn't hear anything...
Ray: Yeah...
Chapa: Really.
Mika: Yeah...
Chapa: Okay umm... I'm going to take a shower.
Mika: Okay...

Chapa leaves.

Now it's getting kinda scary.

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