Mystic Mayhem aka The first meet

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Matilda was walking, with a hoodie up, it's almost daytime then she sees four big turtles like human and another human girl with a mutant pet, she walk towards to them, she pulls a hand that belongs to a human woman, she looks down to see who pull her hand and sees Matilda

Matilda: H-hello, miss...

The woman has stars on her eyes

Woman: OH MY GOSH! Are a cutest little girl I seen!

The turtles sees Matilda and they have seen anyone this cute

Blue turtle: Aww! Are you a cutie?

Orange turtle: OH ME GOSH!!! SOOOO CUUUUUTE!!!!

Red turtle: Aw! Who a cute little girl be this lost?

Purple turtle: Wait, how old are you kid?

Matilda: 106.

Turtles and woman: Huh??

Matilda: I'm 106, but I'm definitely 6.

Red turtle: I uh... huh...?

Purple turtle: I got this.

The purple turtle puts on his goggles and got shock

Purple turtle: OH MY BANANA PANCAKES!!

Blue turtle: What? Something up donnie?

Donnie: She is not kidding, Leo! She IS 106!

Leo: Wait, huh?

Orange turtle: Whoa, that's weird, right Ralph?

Ralph: Yeah, Mikey. That's really weird. How can someone be 6 with that age?

Leo pulls her hoodie down to see what she looks like, she's an alien!

Turtles & woman: WHOA!!!


April: Yeah, I'm seeing it alright.

Donnie: I wonder what her mom looks like.

Matilda: She's the same as me, but huge.

Ralph: Hey! That's not nice!

Donnie: Let me guess, you're dad is like you?

Matilda looks at Donnie in confusion then understand

Matilda: I never met my dad... My mom told me he never loved us and left us....

Mickey: WHAT?!!

Leo: WHOA!!!!


Donnie: Oh when I see that guy, I'm having ALOT of experiment on him.

Ralph: How can someone never loved his own wife and daughter?

Matilda: Can I stay with you guy? Pwease?

They can't handle the cuteness of Matilda

Donnie: Oh man why the cuteness taking over me?

Ralph: Oh, okay, you can stay.

Matilda leap at Ralph

Matilda: Yay!

Then they see a mosquito who has green liquid in it then alot got out and went to New York city

Donnie: Huh. That can't be good.

Leo: We should go. People's blinds are starting to open.

Leo grabs Matilda and puts him on his shoulders and left

Mickey: I wonder what dad will say.

The Alien little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now