6:- Pleasantly surprising

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Sivanna's pov:

I was sleeping comfortably when suddenly I heard my alarm started blasting. I switched it off again since I just wanted to sleep today without any trouble.

"Thank god today i had to leave late for work" i mumbled to myself.

After half an hour of good sleep

Again my alarm started ringing, i was this close to break that alarm clock. I lazily sat on my bed while rubbing my eyes.

"Godd, i wanna sleep" i mumbled to myself and force myself out of the bed.

I walked towards bathroom and took a shower. I came out of the shower and started wearing my work clothes.

I got ready , ate my breakfast and left my apartment.

After 15 minutes

I entered my cafe and saw Emily was their near the cash counter. "Well, all the best Anna because now you are going face devil's wrath" i said to myself, because whenever Emily used be in the cafe , she only used to make my day worst.

I walked behind my counter and started taking orders. After some time, Emily walked towards me. "Good morning Emily" I said with a smile.

She ignored my morning wishes and said "Sivanna, we got the orders of cookies and cupcakes from the Thorn Enterprises" she said and continued
"And we have to deliver that by tomorrow morning, so you are going to be incharge of delivering all the orders".

Here comes the bad news, and this day can't get worse, i thought to myself.

"But, Emily tomorrow i have a night shift, can't you ask someone else" i said, hoping she would agree.

"No, i want you to deliver this order she said flatly and continued " If you don't want to  deliver this order then you can free to leave this job".

I wanted to argue with her but i couldn't because i needed money.

"Okay , i'll do this delivery" i said. She nodded. She went inside the kitchen and started talking to Andrew and Grace they both baked all these tasty mouth-watering desserts.

I started working again.
It was almost night. Emily came towards me. "Sivanna, don't wear uniform Tomorrow" she said.

"Okay" i replied. "Wear whatever you want but don't be late to deliver this order" Emily said annoyingly.

"Yes Emily" i replied.
I left the cafe and started walking towards my apartment.


In Thorns Mansion

The trio are sitting in their office right now doing some paper work.

"So, did you called Mrs Brown" Seth asked while looking at Warren. "I did" Warren replied. "She is coming to our office tomorrow right?" Vesper questioned.

"Yes she is, I paid Mrs Brown extra to send Sivanna with our orders" Warren answered.

"Can't wait" Seth said while grinning. Warren chuckled and said "Me neither".

"Then, lets see what our queen is doing" Vesper said and started pressing some buttons on his laptop. He opened the CCTV footage of Sivanna's apartment.

Warren and Seth came near him to look at the screen.

"There she is" Vesper said with a smile. Seth and Warren looked at the screen and smiled she was sleeping peacefully while hugging that huge pillow. She looked cute, they thought.

Seth traced his fingers through the screen where she was sleeping. " So fucking beautiful and perfect" he whispered. His brother smiled.

"Good night love" Warren said with the smile. " We love you, i love you" Vesper mumbled and closed the laptop.

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