Chapter 15

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*Izuku POV*

"Hello All Might~ Remember me?~"
I stared over my shoulder at him, eyes gleaming with malice.
"No, I don't. Are you a fan?"
"Awh- that's a shame you don't remember me All Might. We even had a one to one!"
All Might backed up a little bit, tense and unsure on what to do. Aizawa stood to the side, looking between us with confusion.
"Oh~ I understand now.. It's because I'm not the shrimpy little weed I used to be. Hmm- I know, let me remind you~"
I turned to face him, then raised my head ever so slightly, so I was looking partly down my nose at him.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small bottle of water. Tipping it up, I poured it over my head. It ran down the back of my neck and my face. It took the white dye away with it, my hair poofing up slightly as I took it out of its ponytail. I pulled aside my mask next, revealing my wide smile. I threw it aside, and it landed a few feet from Aizawa, who picked it up. All Might's eyes widened slightly seeing this, but I could still see that he didn't want to believe it was really me 'Izuku Midoriya'.
"Still don't recognise me?"
I sighed and reached up to my face, removing my contact lenses. All Mights face dropped.

I walked towards him, holding my hands together at my chest. I screwed up my face slightly.
"Can even a quirkless person be a hero like you someday? A quirkless person like me?!"
I dropped my hands and sighed.
"Already forgot your line have you All Might? Let me remind you of what it was. 'No, you can't. You really need to see reality for what it is.' That was it, isn't it? Oh great, it was!"

I chuckled slightly, then let my arms go limp, and I let my head hang out the side slightly. All Might took anoughter step back, acting like a demon had just appeared in front of him. Well.. he had made one came any ways.
"How many kids' dreams have you crushed like mine.. letting them think they are useless, unwanted, hated monsters?"
"I- I'm s- sorry Midoriya.. I didn't mea-"
"You didn't mean to! YOU are the symbol of peace! YOU are Japan's great hope! YOU are the number one hero!"
I screamed at him, unable to control myself. All the rage I had kept inside for the past six years finally burst out.
"If you were really sorry, Toshinori, you would get on your knees and beg for forgiveness."
I sneered at him, then glared at Aizawa, who had taken a step forward, hand on his scarf.
"You know Toshinori. This little weakling has gathered information on you for years. Why do you discriminate your own kind? Oh ho! Aizawa and Nezu didn't know this, I'm guessing!"
Aizawa had dropped his hand to his side, a questioning look on his face.
"Please.. dont tell him.."
I turned back to All Might. He had sank to the ground, hands pressed together, resting them on his forehead in prayer.
"Awh~ Is little Toshinori scared? Don't worry, I won't just tell Aizawa.. I will tell the whole neighbourhood about your dirty little secret!"
I walked backwards, coming to a stop at the ledge. I leaned against it, wondering what All Might would do. He put his head to the roof and mumbled about me, not wanting to do this. I smiled at him then at Aizawa. I stepped up onto the ledge. I stretched my lungs as far as they could go before shouting at the top of my voice.

"Hello, Japan! If you're awake, get out your phones, cameras, or whatever you need and record this!"
Lights flickered on.
"I am Tsukiko, better known as the infamous vigalante who does better than most heroes at keeping your city safe!"
More lights came on, and people began to come out into the street.
"I am here to tell you information about your favourite hero All Might. But first, let me tell you who I really am. I am Izuku Midoriya, age 17, and I was announced dead nearly six years ago by the police."
Shrieks of uproar echoed down the street, and lights further away turned on.
"All Might is. A. Fraud."
The uproar got louder, and little flashes came from below, showing me people were recording.
"All Might was never as Mighty as he seems! In fact, i don't even think he should be the symbol of peace anymore!"
It's more uproar and a hum of a drone nearby. I smiled and shifted my hair away from my mouth.
"This man," I pointed behind me to All Might, whilst also motioning for Aizawa to move away, "is a liar to you all. Six years ago, I met him! I told him I was quirkless! I asked if I could still be a hero! He told me to get a grip on reality! This Wannabe hero crushed my dreams! He probably has done it since then and before then as well!"
The drone was hovering a few feet in front of me now, and I smiled at it.
"That isn't even the worst part of it. Toshinori isn't superior to us quirkless at all! All Might was born quirkless! He was GIVEN a quirk! And yet he has the nerve to discriminate those he used to be like. How f[]cking messed up is that!?"
A chorus of boos came from below, I didn't know who for, but i didn't care, so long as the world knew this. I walked towards All Might, who had stood up now, backing away slowly.
"Please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean any of it!"
"If you want forgiveness, get on your knees and beg for it dip sh[]t! Or are you too scared of owning up to the f[]cking mess you made of innocent f[]cking people's lives. What is it, Toshinori?"
He looked at me.
"Get on your f[]cking knees Toshinori! Beg for forgiveness, don't expect it to be served to you on a silver platter 'Mr. High and Mighty'."
He dropped to his knees, arms limp at his sides.
"You see Japan! He doesn't deny it! What do you think of your number one hero now?"
I walked back to the edge and saw police cars arriving at the scene, more people in the streets than ever. TV vans had turned up as well, cameras trained on me, reporters pushing through the crowd to try and get to the building. I smiled and reached into my pocket, pulling out a spare mask and stretching it over my face.  I then pulled out a small ball and dropped it, a screen of mist erupting around me.

Tsukiko [Vigilante Deku AU]Where stories live. Discover now