"Whispers of Deceit: A Symphony in Shadows"

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Just minutes after Arian returned to his chambers after visiting Yumiella the previous night.
In the grand halls of the Obsidian Palace, the royal castle of SHADOWFELL CITADEL,  Arian sensed a stir of activity echoing down the corridors.
With a flick of his wrist, he invoked the "AETHER SIGHT" incantation, granting him vision beyond the confines of his immediate surroundings.
Observing the scene unfold, he beheld a noble lady orchestrating the maids with an air of authority.With a seamless transition, Arian chanted the "ARCANE SHIFT" spell, materializing before the lady and her attendants in a swirl of magic.
The sudden appearance startled the noble lady and the maids, prompting them to bow in deference.
"Greetings, Your Majesty," the maids chorused in unison, their voices reverent.

The noble lady, composed and poised, offered her salutations with grace. "Good morning, Your Majesty."

Arian regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and reservation. "And who might you be?" he inquired, his tone neutral.

"I beg your pardon for the belated introduction. I am Roxana Shirone, eldest daughter of Archduke Rozario Shirone and Duchess Eleanor Shirone and your betrothed," she announced, her voice carrying the weight of her lineage.

Roxana possesses wavy, waist-length blonde hair and striking sapphire eyes framed by thick midnight blue lashes. Her slim, lithe frame reflects her dedication to frequent training. With a small, pale face adorned by a subtle mole beneath her left eye, Roxana exudes an aura of elegance. As a distinguished noble, she favors lavish gowns in shades of blue, accentuated by fine jewels. Despite her haughtiness, Roxana's intelligence shines through, evident in her extensive knowledge of literature and political affairs.

 Despite her haughtiness, Roxana's intelligence shines through, evident in her extensive knowledge of literature and political affairs

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"And why are you here?" Arian asked.

Roxana's response was measured and polite, her words dripping with civility. "As per Your Majesty's parents's request, I am here to stay in the Obsidian Palace from now on," she explained, her gaze steady and unwavering.
"I arrived only yesterday evening, and I hesitated to disturb your affairs."

Arian's reaction remained inscrutable, though a hint of displeasure flickered beneath his composed facade. "Very well. Make yourself at home," he conceded, his voice devoid of warmth. "Maids, attend to Lady Roxana's every need," he commanded, his authority unquestionable.
The maids dutifully acknowledged his directive with a collective affirmation. "Yes, sire!"
As Roxana continued to speak, her words carried a subtle undercurrent of sarcasm, a veiled insult concealed within the guise of politeness.

"Your Majesty, I must say, your reputation precedes you. They say you have a... unique approach to ruling."

Arian's response ranged from a scoff to a smirk, his expression betraying a hint of amusement at her audacity. With a final nod of acknowledgment, Arian vanished from sight using magic, leaving Roxana and the maids to continue their tasks in his absence.

Roxana: "Now, remember, when serving my parents, address them with the utmost respect. Father prefers his coffee black, while Mother enjoys a touch of cream. And don't forget to offer them a selection of pastries—Father adores the almond croissants, and Mother has a fondness for the raspberry danishes."

Maid 1: "Yes, Lady Roxana. Shall we set the table with the finest china and silverware?"

Roxana: "Indeed. Let's make this occasion a memorable one. Ensure that each place setting is impeccable, with polished silver and crisp linens. And don't overlook the floral arrangements—a touch of elegance to adorn the table."

Maid 2: "Lady Roxana, should we also prepare a small assortment of petit fours for after the meal?"

Roxana: "An excellent suggestion. Father is particularly fond of the chocolate truffles, and Mother appreciates the delicate macarons. It's the little touches that make all the difference. And yes, don't forget to prepare the favourite dishes of the royal family. I am new here , so I don't know anything yet. And am hoping you all will take good care of me. Thankyou! You may focus on your work now."

As Roxana concluded her instructions to the maids, a sense of satisfaction washed over her. She had planted the seeds of discontent within Arian's mind, sowing doubt and discord with each carefully chosen word. As she walked away from the hall, a small smile played upon her lips...

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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