not an update but an apology

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hello everyone, I am very sorry I have not been around for a long time but a lot has happened and I needed some time. I have been online though to keep an eye on everything a little bit in case anyone wanted to ask anything so even though I haven't posted I am up to date.

For those who thought I would not finish my books, that is not true.

I will indeed finish these books and maybe even write a few more once I finish my first 3. But this will take a while because all 3 books have a lot of chapters to come.

I will be posting more regularly again from now on and to make up for it I will post at least twice a week when summer vacation starts.

We are now at chapter 9 in Aurelia's story and as promised chapter 10 is a bonus chapter. This will be told in Hermes' perspective. This is my first time writing in a different perspective though so I still have some learning to do but that will come. We just need some patience.

I wasn't normally going to do this because I already had the story I envisioned for Aurelia in my head but I decided to put in anyway or several love interests. Hermes is of them. And this will also be evident in chapter 10. I have long started writing chapter 10 so this is already almost finished. Because of this it will be possible for me to post chapter 10 this week.

I do want to thank everyone again for their patience and I hope you enjoy reading! :)

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