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Y/n POV-

Weeks after the breakup, you had been scrolling through your socials, only to discover confirmation of Hailee and Joshes new relationship...

Two months had passed since the break-up and your life was finally on track once more; Although your subconscious thoughts seemed to eat at you when silence filled a room.

Today you would be at a New Year's Eve party to celebrate yet another year passing by too quickly. You had always found the new year depressing, maybe it was the fear of growing old. The fear that time was passing by all too quickly.

You entered the party with a sense of faked confidence surrounding you as you passed by famous faces. Eyes seemed to fall upon you as you swam through the ocean of stardom. Your name had been recognized recently after the break up with Hailee and producing a song for the one and only, Taylor Swift.

Although you faked confidence, you truly needed it from the simple fix of liquor—pure and raw whiskey. You tipped the liquor into a glass as people still tapped your shoulder and introduced themselves to you. Once the glass hit halfway, you lifted it and pressed the cold glass to your plump lips, letting the whiskey burn your throat.

You had been drinking a little too often since you had broken up with Hailee, it was a habit you couldn't seem to break. A horrible and difficult habit you had developed in your teenage years, caused by the genetics passed down by your father.

You had a few lucky years where you had healed yet now, after losing a woman you had given everything to, the urges crept back in.

Liquor was the cure to silence your brain from the loud voices.

You danced with strangers and guzzled too many drinks as the cloak ticked closer and closer to the highest point of the night.

Your head was spinning uncontrollably as your dancing was slowing down. Being drunk switches off the best parts of your brain and leaves the fool to run your life, to run your mouth. All you did now was rot your brain, addicted to this poison.

You stumbled your way through the crowd before collapsing into a body, that seemed to slip its arms around your waist to stabilize yourself.

"Wow wow..." The voice seemed all too familiar.

It had tutored you every night for weeks on end.

You glance up, your vision still a bit blurry as your body freezes, suddenly going into flight or fight mode after detecting a potential threat.

"Fuck-" was all you muttered.

There she was, the woman you had left in your past. The women you seemed to cause you so much pain... Hailee.

Hailee's POV-

Hailee saw it as she held your trembling body. The biochemical impact and bodily stress of heartache is a real injury and one that needs a proper recovery plan; you were never healing to begin with.

She had stalked your socials night after night once you had decided to walk away. The agony you had given Hailee left her bittersweet, as she had wanted to return the pain in a way that would destroy you; she began dating the man you envied.

It was a horrible decision on her behalf, taking the breakup too far, but she was, god gave her one last chance to make things right.

As she held you against her body, trying to keep your body weight up, she smelt the intoxicating scent of whiskey. One night, early in the relationship, you had confided in her about your drinking problems, and here Hailee was being the baseline of your relapse.

Hailee Steinfeld ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ