Best friends?

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Y/n POV-

Hailee had been your best friend for as long as you could remember. She was someone who had seen every part of you, and she was the only one who you could be vulnerable with. The more time you spent with her, the more you questioned your love for each other.

Recently, the both of you had decided to share an apartment during the filming of a movie you two were acting in. Every night seemed like a sleepover with your best friend.

"I'm heading out," you stated to Hailee as you touched up your makeup in the mirror. Hailee adjusted her body upright in order to have a better look at you.

"You're very dressed up... where are you going?" Hailee tilted her head slightly, looking you up and down. You felt like a deer caught in headlights as Hailee studied your outfit.

"I'm going on a date," you confessed, straightening up your dress.

You noticed a raise in Hailee's eyebrows as she shifted to the end of the bed, her feet hitting the floor.

"And with who?" she questioned, receiving her full attention.

"Some guy I met at an after party," You said, attempting to zip the back of your dress. Your fingers fiddled with the zip, unable to actually pull it up.

"Oh-" Hailee let out, noticing your struggles. She jumped up and walked behind you, removing your hands from the zip.

"Here, let me." she offered.

You felt her soft hands trail up your back as the zip lifted up, covering your bare back. You could feel her stare burning your neck. You moved away before thank her. You grabbed your bag and left Hailee behind alone in the room.

Hailee's pov-

Hailee felt anger brewing within her as you left her in the apartment. It was becoming painfully hard to watch you with someone that wasn't Hailee. It felt like everyone knew how much she had fallen for you except you. Hailee's mother had even noticed the chemistry between the two of you.

As Hailee counted down the minutes until you came home, she cleaned the rooms and ate dinner. The quietness in the apartment sent her mind wondering about you and your date.

Hailee had felt for you ever since you two first hung out. She tried denying her feelings for years, afraid of jeopardizing your friendship... afraid of rejection.

"Hey." Hailee's head whipped around as the sound of your voice filled the silent room.

"You're back. How was it?" Hailee asked the question knowing the answer would hurt.

You didn't answer, you just shook your head and threw your keys and bag on the counter. Hailee noticed the dullness within, as she became alarmingly worried for your feelings. Her empathetic nature took control and she found herself raising a hand on your shoulder.

"Not good hmm?" Hailee asked, a little spark of happiness sat within her. She knew it was cruel to feel like this but she couldn't help but selfishly want you to herself.

"No. he was a jerk," you stated, no longer wanting to go into detail about the date.

"His loss. You're an absolutely incredible woman," Hailee said with a softened gaze.

"Thanks," You look at her before asking for help to unzip your dress.

Y/n pov-

You spun around, the only light came from the television that Hailee was watching before you arrived home. You felt her fingers brush your hair to the side. Her warm breath against your neck sent electrifying shivers down your spine. The zip was all the way down, your bare back on display for Hailee. Hailee ran two fingers down your arm, creating a trail of goosebumps.

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