Laser tag

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You and Hailee had quite a lazy day. You stayed home watching movies and sat on the couch, cuddled up to eachother.

You both had organised to go out with some of the marvel cast later in the evening.

"What do you think the group will do tonight?" Hailee nudged your shoulder to draw your attention off the tv.

"I don't know, probably go out for dinner again or something. I kind of want to go play laser tag, is that weird?" You look up at her.

"No, it's not weird. I think that's actually a really fun idea," she stands up excitedly.

"Text the group! We're doing it," she throws your phone from the counter onto your lap.

OG 7 Avengers... +Hailee

5:15pm Y/n:
OI!! We're going laser tagging losers and everyone is doing it

5:17pm Evans:

5:17pm Scar:
sounds fun

5:19pm Hemsworth:
I'm going to smash all you motherfuckers

5:19pm RDJ:
sure sure, whatever you say Chris

5:20pm Jeremy:
Chris winning? I think everyone knows I'll kick your ass in this

5:20pm- Mark:
I'd pay to see that
Also Y/N I can still come

5:21pm Y/N:
alright so it's settled!
Laser tag it is
Cya at 6:00pm <3

"What'd they say?" Hailee comes around the corner, hair and make up already done.

"Wow. you look gorgeous. They said they're all in." You get up and kiss your girlfriend before moving to get ready yourself.

20 minutes later~

You and Hailee had arrived at the laser tag place. You jumped out of the car and hand in hand, you both walked in together.

The rest of the group had beat you to the place and had already booked a session for everyone.

"About time you two showed up!?" Hemsworth rushed to your side and pulled you into an embrace.

"Get off Y/N, I haven't seen her in ages." Evans pulled Hemsworth off you.

The two Chris began arguing who was more friends with you before you abruptly interrupted their bickering, saying you love them both equally.

You greeted the rest of the group before having to move into a small room with an instructor and a small projector.

The instructor informed the group about the rules and then made you sit and watch a video of the do's and do not's of the game.

The video went for a good 5 minutes. Once the video had finished, the group was directed into another room and was told to choose your teams and guns.

Pink team-
Chris Evans

Blue team-
Chris Hemsworth

Hailee Steinfeld ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now