the motion

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We had our breakfast.

"Well , I have some work at the office then I will see you in the evening. "
I said while heading towards door.

"Fine, I will pick you up." He replied

Okay done

"Wait"he said and come to me and kissed my cheek

"Now you can leave be safe baby"he said

"Okay ,bye " I said and head to office

After a while

I was sitting in my office and heard a knock on my door .

"Come in " I said and the person came
"Hello , Charlie. How are you?" I said while approaching him

"I am good and you what about you? " He replied and I signal him to sit
He sat on the chair other side of my desk

"Pretty well" I replied

" never knew such a beautiful lady is a fabulous designer. Impressive " He said while looking at me

" sometime it's fine to have a mysterious identity. " I said

"Yes yes as you say .
Well I want to have a suit for my friends wedding. I hope that must have been done . "He said hoping I know about it

" your suit wait from which order name you have asked me I must look upon it but (I checked my Computer and looked back at him) there is not any order mr.charlie.
Let me know your order name." I said to him while he was staring at me

I waved my hands to infront of his face and then he come to sense.

"Oh, sorry  I was captured by your beauty "He said while smiling

"It's cheesy" I  said to him while smiling back to him

" well my order name is sampe " He said while drinking the water.

"Oh you are sampe , I literally talked to you when you ordered and your choices are really nice " I sadi to him and gave him a cup of coffee

"Yes , that's why I am here in person to see you but we have met before it and that was not goodbye said while taking a sip of coffee

"Yaah! And thank you for that day"i said while standing

"My pleasure it was anyways " He said

"Good??" I asked him in confusion

"Yes that's why I have met such a beautiful girl that day and now " He said while standing

I heard the door opening and revealing Suga on the door

"Suga " I said while he come to me walking and glaring on Charlie

He came to me and held me by my waist , my eyes widened and then he tuck a hair string to back of my ears and said " darling do you missed me ?"

I was shocked by his action because we don't want to reveal our relationship but just now he did and I was in shock just looking at him .

" Don't worry, Charlie will not tell anyone else afterall he is friend of both of us , am I right Charlie? "  Suga said while looking at me and then at Charlie

"Yes yes and congratulations "Charlie said while sitting back on the chair

Suga sat on my chair and I was standing there like what the hell is happening on the earth.

I saw both of then glaring at each other.

"Fine ,Charlie let try your suit  ." I said while breaking the tension that covered the room .

CHARLIE get up from his chair and I show him the changing room . He went inside to change it.

"What were you doing with him?" Suga asked me

"He is my client and we were just talking and I thanked him for that day" I said while looking at Suga face.

"Hmm" He replied with annoying expression

" Are you jealous Mr.min .?I said while being close to jis face.

"Jealous or me no"he said while turning his face to left

" no no no you are jealous my man is jealous isn't it and I think you don't want to look at me so I will go help Charlie to change , bye " I said to him and turn around because I know he will not resist it and never.

He suddenly grab my hand and pull me close towards him by waist and said in his cold voice "Don't you dare to go there , he might not be alive the next moment "

I  wrap my hands around his neck  and said " I will not go but....I want something " I looked to his lips

He was much smarter to get my point and pull me to give mr a kiss

But we heard Charlie coming so I separated myself from him

Charlie came out
"Is it good..?" Charlie asked

" looks like a goat wearing a coat " Suga said while rolling his eyes

" ah! Ignore him , it's good "I said

"Yes you made it so it will be good,  let me change it" Charlie said and back to changing room

I glared at Suga as he was looking at me .

Charlie came outside and said " are you off to work? "

"Yes I am " I replied

"Let's have dinner together and hope Suga will join us too" Charlie said

"Of course I will she is my girlfriend. " Suga said while pulling me close

We head from office to the restaurant and ordered some food.

Charlie = so how did you meet him , shine?

Suga= shine ??

Charlie:- I just created this name it's nice.

Suga:- no I will call her with any name

Charlie:- fine
"Well we met through a meeting and after that we usually get bumped into each other but that memory is beautiful" I said

" Oh looks like you propose first" Charlie asked

" no he did " I replied

" Oh! You know when he was in high school all the girls of our class gave him love letters and was mad about him .
And you know what once the girl Sana kissed him in his cheek " Charlie said
And I look at Suga

" It's isn't all true that time I was framed by the class " Suga said

" I think you liked that time " Charlie said

"No " suga replied

They both glare at each other
While the food arrive
I just get into both of them and said "let's dig in first "

We had our dinner and head back yo our car.

"Okay bye Charlie see you " I said

Charlie gave me a bag and said " this is gift from me to my sister in law and as a friend to you to congrats you on your relationship.

" there was no need " I said while declining it

"Just keep it he will not mind am I right? Suga" Charlie said

"Yes " Suga replied
I took the gift and said goodbye to Charlie and head back to home.

In the car
There was silence only the music was playing and Suga was driving .
I didn't disturb him and thought to talk to him once we get home .

✨️hope you like it
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Warning ⚠️
Next part will be wild .

CASUAL LOVE || Suga FFWhere stories live. Discover now