20. Joy

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I sat across the doctor's table, patiently waiting for her to return. Aryan did, in fact, manage to bring me here. "Why is it taking so long?", he whispered like a child. "Maybe they diagnosed you instead, with some abnormality only you can have", he looked at me, done with my silly comments. The doctor entered the room with a smile on her face.

"Well..?", I said prompted. "Well, Mr. and Mrs. Khan, congratulations!", I looked at Aryan, confused at her answer. Was I so sick that she'd chosen sarcasm over an actual answer? "I'm sorry, we don't understand. Is Nysa alright?", Aryan asked sternly. "Alright!? You're about to be parents! How could she not be alright! And they're twins again!". I thought I heard it wrong. I even thought she had said it wrong. "I don't understand how you didn't come to me earlier. You're already three months into the pregnancy. But that's okay! Take care of yourself now", she said with a wide smile plastered on her face.

The doctor excused herself to get me some pills she had prescribed. I sat there, my mouth hanging open. All of the next events seemed to be in pieces, or maybe I was in a daze. I felt Aryan squeezing my hand. I looked at him, tears streaming through his eyes and yet a smile of disbelief and happiness on his face. "Are you kidding me?", he leapt to kiss me. We both ended up in fits of laughter. "Oh my god!", I screamed, still in his warm embrace. "How do you manage to make me happy every single day?", I wiped his tears away, not realizing my own were flowing. "Well I am fabulous".

"Nysa, thank you so much", we didn't let go of each other until we came back home. The moment we set foot in our house we screamed with happiness. Like teenage girls whose boyfriends had held their hands for the first time. Aryan picked me up, bridal style, cause he was just so dramatic, and kissed me. I think we were a bit too loud, Naira and Aadish came running to us out of concern. "Papa put my Mumma down! She's mine", Aadish pouted. "Not anymore my guy!", they looked at us perplexed. I couldn't stop laughing, as bad as I felt about these little angels not knowing why their parents seemed insane.

We settled in the living room at last, and told these guys that they were about to be elder siblings. Naira went crazy. Aadish made it very clear that he'd be the best brother. Naira smacked him for that, he survived. I called my parents home. It wasn't any fun telling them over the phone! I think they were a bit concerned since Aryan sounded hysterical.

Forever Together (Sequel to Will You Be With Me?)Where stories live. Discover now