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delphine - "Jiro, you need to eat, I need to eat too, why don't we stop somewhere and eat?" I asked Jiro.

jiro - "Eat where?" He asked me.

delphine - "I don't know, maybe, we will find somewhere on the road." I said to Jiro.

⇒ Jiro sighed.

jiro - "Fine." He said to me.



⇒ Jiro and I were at this place that sold street food. I was so excited because I never eaten street food before.

delphine - "Whoa, everything looks good, this is my first time eating street food." I said to Jiro.

jiro - "Are you serious? This is your first time?" He asked me dumbfounded.

delphine - "Yes, France has street food but my parents never let me eat it." I said to Jiro.

jiro - "Why?" He asked me.

delphine - "They know I like to eat and they were worried about my health. They knew if I'd eaten street food, I will keep eating and eating it." I said to Jiro.

jiro - "Wow, Japan and Korea has street food and my parents allowed me to eat it." He said to me.

delphine - "Really?" I asked Jiro.

jiro - "Yeah, when my parents don't have enough money for groceries, they took me and my brother to eat street food since it was cheaper." He said to me.

delphine - "You're lucky." I said to Jiro.

jiro - "Let's try some street food." He said to me.

⇒ I nodded excitedly and Jiro and I began to eat street food.


⇒ Street food was so delicious. Jiro and I ate at so many places.

jiro - "Are you full yet?" He asked me.

delphine - "I'm getting there, but should we eat dessert?" I asked Jiro.

jiro - "Cake? Ice cream? Cookies?" He asked me.

delphine - "Cake sounds good." I said to Jiro.

⇒ Jiro nodded and we went to a dessert stand.

lady - "Aw, what a lovely couple, do you two want to share a cake?" She asked me and Jiro.

delphine - "A-actually, w-we aren't a-" I said to the lady nervously but Jiro cut me off.

jiro - "No need to share a cake, we will get separate cakes." He said to the lady.

⇒ Why did he make me cut off my sentence?

lady - "What kind would you like?" She asked Jiro.

jiro - "Chocolate fudge please." He said to the lady.

lady - "And what about you?" She asked me.

delphine - "I will take chocolate please." I said to the lady.

⇒ The lady nodded and told me and Jiro that our cakes will be out in a minute. Jiro and I sat at a table waiting for our cakes to arrive.

jiro - "Your parents aren't wondering where you are?" He asked me.

𝘿𝙀𝙎𝙋𝙀𝙍𝘼𝙏𝙀𝙇𝙔 𝙄𝙉 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 | 𝘼𝙈𝘽𝙒 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙔Where stories live. Discover now