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jiro - "And I have a feeling that Bomi has a crush on me." I said to Tyrone and Dante.

⇒ Dante was running his fingers through his hair.

dante - "Why didn't Bomi tell me? Why did she lead me on?" He asked me.

⇒ I shrugged my shoulders.

jiro - "By the way, I don't like Bomi romantically, I have feelings for someone else-" I said to Dante and Tyrone not finishing the sentence.

⇒ Wait! Did I actually say that to them?

tyrone - "Wait, back track....did you just say you have feelings for someone else?" He asked me.

dante - "Who's this someone?" He asked me.



⇒ I decided to stay at the party for an hour and Tyrone and Dante was still curious of who I was talking about.

tyrone - "Jiro, you still didn't tell us who you have a crush on." He said to me.

jiro - "I-I wasn't serious about that, just forget about it." I said to Tyrone and Dante.

dante - "No, we aren't going to forget about that, just tell us." He said to me.

jiro - "It's none of your guys's business." I said to Tyrone and Dante.

tyrone - "But we're your friends, Jiro, we won't tell anyone." He said to me.

⇒ I sighed.

jiro - "I will tell you guys at the right time." I said to Tyrone and Dante.

dante - "Oh come on Jiro." He said to me annoyed.

bomi - "Hey Dante, did you like my parents?" She asked Dante walking up to the three of us.

⇒ I cleared my throat and looked away.

dante - "Listen Bomi, we need to talk." He said to Bomi.

⇒ Bomi nodded.

dante - "Do you like Jiro?" He asked Bomi straightforwardly.

⇒ I choked on my water and was coughing a lot.

bomi - "W-what?" She asked Dante acting confused.

dante - "Don't do that right now, Bomi. Tell me, do you like Jiro?" He asked Bomi.

⇒ Bomi sighed before she spoke.

bomi - "Y-yes, I do." She said to Dante nervously.

⇒ Dante sighed and looked down.

bomi - "How did you find out?" She asked Dante.

dante - "Jiro told me your parents told him, why didn't you tell me and why did you lead me on?" He asked Bomi upset.

bomi - "I'm sorry Dante, when I found out Jiro was Korean, my feelings for him began to grow." She said to Dante.

dante - "Bomi, please get out of my house. This party is over! Everyone out!" He yelled out.

bomi - "Dante-" She said to Dante but he cut her off.

dante - "I don't want to hear it, please get out." He said to Bomi.

⇒ Bomi sighed and left the house with everyone else. Dante's house was a mess now since a lot of people were here.

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