Announcement .

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Hi -

I know I'm trying to update thiz book ,, and I actually have a few chapterz coming up zoon . ( for real thiz time guyz ) .

But I'm ztarting a new book , in a fandom on thin ice . Blue x Reader onezhotz . I have a temporary cover for it until I plan to do zomething with it .

If you have any requeztz for that book , you can azk me in the community tab of my profile . I'll make zomething for it there .

Will I ztill be updating here ? Yez . Probably not az much but I will keep updating thiz book .

Uhm ,, that'z pretty much all I have to zay . Thank you guyz for zupport on thiz book , and I hope you guyz enjoy zome of the other bookz I'll make in the future az well !

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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