twenty seven

45 2 0

"I want you to meet my family" Gojo says passing you a plate full of the delicious precious Nanami cooked. 

"And just how many girls have met the Gojo's?" You ask teasingly.

"Well, with you it'll be one."

"Oh" you say a bit surprised. You knew Gojo was a bit inexperienced when it came to romance or  dating but it still shocked you nonetheless. You were still a bit in denial as to how much you changed Satoru's outlook on love and life. 

Little did you know, but before you, Satoru was completely content with dying a bachelor. Now, he craved the exact opposite. He wanted nothing more than you, and you entirely. He couldn't fathom a future without you in it. 

"Who would I be meeting?" You finally ask. 

"Well, my mother, father, and my older brother."

"You have a brother?" 

"Yes. Although he doesn't live in New York. He's based in LA."

"Oh, I had no idea."

"Yeah, his name is Isamu. My mother is Asami and my father is Hiroki."

"They all have lovely names" you say. "How was your childhood anyhow? I realize we haven't spoken much about it."

"It was say the least. Being a Gojo came with a lot of expectations. Not your typical American family, I would say" Satoru begins."

"My family immigrated here from Japan when my mother was pregnant with me. My brother was 3 when they came to America. We all hold Dual American and Japanese citizenship." 

"Oh wow, you must take me to Japan sometime" you say. (A/N: *cries in Banana Fish* if yk yk) "I would love to see where your family is from." 

"I would love to take you someday. It's been too long since I've been back. My father runs a company and once he merged with an American investor's company my family decided to move here permanently. In no time, my father became one of the richest men in the country. Suddenly, my family had a spotlight on them and I had to grow up never free from it. I was always wondering who my true friends were...since most were only after my money. Only once I met Suguru, did I have a friend that didn't want anything from me other than my company. I steered away from dating as a result. Only ever having fleeting hookups to pass the time. I just never met any woman I could trust, or even want to trust. Not until you."

"Oh, Satoru" you say feeling a tear drip out at the mention of Suguru. You knew the two of them were close, but you didn't realize just how much Suguru's friendship meant to Satoru until now. "I miss him" you admit.

"I do too" Satoru says. "I just thank God I have you. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Me either" you say and you mean every word. "Well, I'm honoured that you want to introduce me to your family. I wish I could offer you the same, but I'm not close with mine."

"You don't speak much about them" Satoru says and you nod.

"There's a reason for that" you say. 

"I sort of figured. I just didn't want to press" Satoru says.

"No, I understand that. And, I appreciate it. They're not the easiest to bring up."

"Tell me about them" Satoru says. "As much as you'd like."

"Okay" you say taking a deep breath. "I don't remember much about my parents to be completely honest. Just a lot of screaming and arguing. My dad left when I was 6 and shortly after my mom turned to drugs and sex work. She began bringing her clients home and I witnessed far more than any child should. Eventually, she was so desperate for money that she sold me for drugs...fortunately, the person she sold me to was an undercover cop. She got arrested and I got put into foster care. I bounced from home to home for awhile before I moved out at the age of 15. Since then, I've been on my own. Working odd jobs, just trying to survive. Thankfully, I excelled at school so I was able to get through college on scholarships alone and somehow, some way, I made it here."

"Holy shit, Y/n" Satoru says, wiping tears from his eyes. "No wonder you're so strong. You are such an incredible woman."

Satoru opens his arms for a hug and you find yourself sinking into him. He felt safe. He felt like the home you never had. He made you feel not alone. You were glad you both could find each other. Two lost souls united, as if they were meant to be one from the start. 

"I love you, Satoru."

"I love you more, baby. My sweet angel" Satoru says kissing the top of your head. 

It felt like a load had been lifted off your shoulders. You repressed a lot of your familial trauma, but Satoru had helped you with your even more recent trauma that you trusted him with your past. In one way or another, he'd become your safe place. His home, his bedroom, him. All brought you immeasurable levels of comfort. Comfort was all you needed in a life so cruel. In a world, so unforgiving. All you needed was Satoru. And he needed you just the same. 

"What do you say to meeting my family this coming weekend? My brother is in town then."

"How can I say no?"

Satoru kisses you on the nose and holds your hand across the table.

"Let's dig in before the food gets cold" Satoru says beginning to cut into his crepe.

You start to eat and exclaim out loud "mm so good."

"Kento?!" Satoru shouts. 

"Yes, Mr. Gojo" Nanami says popping his head into the dining room. "This is spectacular. Thank you for another lovely meal."

"Certainly, sir. Only the best for you and Lady Y/n."

"Thank you, Kento" you say smiling. "I've got to cook for you one of these days."

"Nonsense miss. It is my duty to serve both of you."

"If she cooks for you, you are to accept it. That's an order" Satoru says. 

"Well, okay then" Nanami says stifling a laugh. "If you insist."

"Oh, when I do can we invite Toji to join us?" You ask.

"Anything you want, my love" Gojo says. "Kento, you're excused."

"Yes, sir."

Nanami leaves the room just as quickly as he entered, presumably, off to complete his usual duties. You and Gojo weren't particularly messy, but Nanami was insistent on completing general upkeep of the house regardless. 

He probably just did it to spare himself of boredom. You wondered how well he and Toji knew each other, if at all. They must have crossed paths from time to time. You just weren't sure if they'd spoken outside of work. You'd find out once you had them all here together. 

You were excited to meet Gojo's family albeit a little intimidated. Although you'd done well for yourself, you only came into money later in life. You weren't like the Gojo's who were accustomed to a life of luxury. Regardless of how nervous you were, you knew Gojo would comfort you through it all. That's all you could ask for. 


unedited hope u like my lovelies :)

also I watched banana fish for the first time recently and I fear I will be thinking about that anime forever. 

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