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You enter the office unsure of what to expect. The last time you saw Suguru was when he spent the night after your work outing. You feel shy for a moment remembering you overheard Gojo fucking a girl at the bar. So now you've officially fucked one of your bosses and listened to the other one fuck. An interesting start to your new job to say the least. You knew Geto for awhile so you didn't feel especially weird with sleeping with him. He was sexy and you'd always felt comfortable around him. To be honest, you'd be down to do it again. You take a seat at your desk and begin to organize your things when there's a light knock at the door. 

"Good morning" says Suguru, his soothing voice calming you instantly. "Good morning" you return. Suguru gently placed a coffee on your desk. 

"Thank you. You're the best" you say, gladly sipping your drink. "Mm just what I needed." 

"There's a client I need you to take for a murder case" Suguru says. "It's clear he did it so it's going to be a tough one. I need you to work it with Satoru."

You pout at the thought of being stuck in a room alone with Gojo for a prolonged period of time. "Does it have to be Satoru?" you ask. 

"If I had any other choice, I would take it. Unfortunately, he's close with the clients family, but we need your expertise. I'm sorry" Suguru says. He starts to head for the door. "I'll make it up to you somehow" he says, giving you a small wink. He smiles brightly and waves, returning to his office. 

Well, this case is going to be interesting. You grab your laptop and your notebook and head to Satoru's office prepared to meet the client. You knock on his door. "Come in" he shouts.

"So, I assume you heard the news?" you ask. "What? Me being stuck with you on this case? Yeah, I'm all caught up" Satoru says coyly. 

"Can you give me a breakdown of the case?" you ask. "Sure" he says, refusing to look you in the eye.

"Our client, is Mr. Yuta Okkotsu. He is from a wealthy family of broker's that have close ties with the Gojo's. He is being accused of murdering his wife, Rika. He says he came home one night to find her stabbed multiple times. There are no prints on the knife and no signs of forced entry. When the police arrive, they find him covered in his wife's blood. He claims it's from doing chest compressions and trying to check if she was alive. The police don't believe him and charge him with murder." 

"Do you think he did it?" you ask. "You know the man...what does your gut tell you?"

"I believe he's innocent" Gojo says. "And I need you to prove it." 

You were somewhat shocked that Satoru admitted he needed you. He's desperate enough to help his friend that he cast aside his petty rivalry with you. 

"I will do everything in my power to prove his innocence" you say earnestly. "Thank you" he says in almost a whisper. 

"We leave to meet him at the jail in an hour." 


You arrived at the jailhouse just before noon. You and Satoru rode together in his luxury SUV. Not many words were exchanged between the two of you on the ride there. You figured it was better to leave Satoru alone because he seemed deep in thought. 

You enter a room that contain a metal table in the centre with a few chairs surrounding it. Two prison guards escort a man with handcuffs on. The man stood at about 5' 9'' and had large brown puppy dog like eyes. His dark brown hair was sticking in all directions and looked like he hadn't slept in ages. 

"Cousin" Yuta says once he sees Satoru sat at the table. 


Yuta sits down and the guards attach his cuffs to the table. "Cousin I didn't do it. I would never hurt Rika. I'm innocent." 

"I know you are, Yuta. My associate and I are going to do everything we possibly can to prove it." 

You nod and face Yuta. You tell him your name and mumble a similar sentiment about wanting to prove his innocence. 

"Is there anyone who has a grudge against you or your family?" you ask. 

Yuta thinks for a moment before answering. "Well, the Okkotsu's are pretty well off so we have a lot of rival business partners" he explains. "I would need my assistant to even list them all." 

"Yes, do that. I will contact your assistant and have her send me an itemized list of everyone you do business with" Satoru chimes in. 

"Ok just contact my daughter and she'll give you my assistant's number" Yuta says. Gojo nods. 


For the sake of this story Yuta and Rika are 38 and his daughter is 18.  Gojo/Geto are late twenties. Yuji and the other members of the firm are early to mid twenties.

"If you can think of anyone else who may have it out for you, anyone who comes to mind, please give me or Satoru a call. We're going to have a PI (private investigator) investigate any leads so far" you explain. 

"Thank you" Yuta says. You see his large eyes start to well up with tears. "I just can't believe she's gone. I keep picturing her dead body. It won't leave my mind. We'll never grow old together. We'll never see our grandkids together. Why? Why would someone do this?" Tears were freely flowing from Yuta's face at this point. 

Gojo had his lips pressed into a thin line, his emotions unclear. Just from this brief interaction, despite having never met the man, you believed every word. This wasn't the look of a man who wished ill will upon his wife. This was a man in pain. You were just as determined as Gojo at this point to help the man out. You couldn't help but wonder who really was behind this crime. Part of you was scared to find out. 

You closed the car door as you hopped into the passenger seat of Gojo's car. Gojo leaned his head against the steering wheel and smacked it with one hand. "Fuck" he says, smacking the wheel a few more times. "We gotta help him. He won't last in there" Satoru says.

"We will" you say. You had no leads so far, but you were willing to try your hardest to free the innocent man. "Will he post bail at least?" you ask.

"The hearing's later today" Gojo explains. "We'll know by tonight. Do you mind staying late at the office in case they need you during the hearing?"

"Not at all" you say. This was the first interaction where you started to see the human side of Satoru and to be honest it was quite endearing. Who knew behind all that smugness and arrogance there was a real person underneath? 

Satoru began to drive exiting the jail's parking lot. "So, how was Suguru?" Gojo asks, changing the subject. 

"What do you mean?" you ask.

"You slept with him, no?" Satoru asks. If you had water, you would be doing a spit take right about now. 

"W-what?" you sputter. "Did he tell you that?" 

"No" Gojo says, a smirk on his face. "He didn't have to."

"I saw the two of you dancing" Satoru explains. "Then you caught me in the restroom and just couldn't help getting your own." 

"Oh god, you saw me" you groan. "You really think I slept with Suguru because I saw you with that girl and was turned on?" 

"Yup" Satoru says matter-of-factly. 

"That's not why I slept with him" you say. 

"Then why?" Gojo taunts. 

"He's an attractive man and I feel comfortable around him" you say. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this..I don't owe you an explanation."

"You pictured yourself in her place when you saw me with the girl, didn't you?" Satoru says. 

How did he know that

"You fucking wish" you say, and the rest of the car ride is silent. 

So much for seeing Satoru as a human, he had to go and ruin it by interrogating you about your sex life. Why did he care any way? You choose to ignore the thought as you stand silently with him in the elevator before parting ways to return to your respective offices. 

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