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Choso lays next to you in bed in a near comatose state when his phone rings. You recognize the ring tone as Lost in Paradise by ALI. "Hello" Choso answers, sounding dead inside. "Okay bro, I'll be right there" he says, before hanging up. He quickly runs around your room gathering his clothes. "Sorry, Yuji needs me to pick him up from some bar" he explains. "All good" you nod. "You're a good brother."

"Well, tonight was fun" Choso says, he places a kiss on your forehead before heading to the front door. "See you tomorrow!" he shouts, waving a hand behind his back. "Bye!" you wave. 

The next morning you dread going to the office. You would have to see Geto which was the last thing you wanted to do right now. In a relationship or not, it doesn't feel good walk in on someone you care about fucking someone else. You weren't sure if you were going to be able to look Shoko in the eyes either. You enter the building and find yourself sharing an elevator with Satoru once again. "Morning" you mumble. "Rough night?" Satoru asks, playfully. "Don't ask" you groan, ending the conversation then and there. 

You had fun with Choso, sure. You couldn't help but feel slightly bad that you used him as a distraction from Geto. Well, at least he didn't seem to mind. He seemed to know your intentions when he answered the phone. 

Before you exit the elevator Satoru turns to you. "What is it you needed from me?" he asks. "I didn't see your message until this morning." 

You gulp. You forgot that you texted Satoru first for a booty call. Although you would never admit to him that that's what you intended.

 "Oh, that. Was just caught up with a work problem, but I figured it out."

 "At 3 in the morning?" he asks. "Um, yes" you say, knowing he sees right through you. "Hm, okay."

You part ways and you hurry off to your office, your cheeks heating up at you walk away. You see the usual coffee waiting for you on your desk and you have the urge to throw it away. You see Suguru walk down the halls and smile at you as he passes by. You stare blankly at him, not knowing how to respond. His expression shifts momentarily, but he continues walking. 

Satoru soon approaches your door. "Suguru wants you in his office" he says. "Thanks for letting me know" you say stiffly. He notes your reaction. "Trouble in paradise?" he asks, leaning his head to the side. "Shut up" you say, and walk past him heading towards Suguru's office. 

You knock on the door and you hear him tell you to come in. You close the door behind you, take a deep breath, and turn around to meet his eyes. "What do you want?" you ask. "What's up with you?" Suguru asks. "Did I do something?" 

"More like someone" you say. "I was trying to surprise you with dinner last night, but when I got to your place I saw you fucking Shoko" you admit bluntly. 

"And?" he says. "Is there a problem? We aren't a couple." 

"We aren't, but I felt as though we shared a special connection, and it just doesn't feel so special when you're doing it with someone else. I felt like you were being misleading" you say. 

"I see where you're coming from" Suguru says. "But, aren't those hickies on your neck?" 

"I may have sought the same sort of release, from Choso after walking in on you last night" you say. 

"Hm" he says. "I see." 

The room is met with a thick silence for a moment as you both stare at each other. 

"You're right, we do share a special connection. And, I hope me sleeping with Shoko didn't ruin it for you. To be blunt, Shoko and I have no connection. I was trying to find my high and that's it. But, with you...there's so much more. Thinking of you with Choso, has me rethinking my actions. I'm sorry if I hurt you, I was careless and I should have been more considerate of your feelings" Suguru states. 

in his eyes | satoru gojo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now