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The hum of the ambulance's siren reverberates off the walls of the fast moving vehicle. You feel nothing but pain to the point that you can't even cry anymore. You're not sure how long you were gone. It felt like ages, but it very well could have been just a few hours.

Regardless of how long it was, it changed you. Permanently. You can't just forget these things. You can't forget the ways those sick animals looked at you. Touched you. Preyed upon you. 

Seeing the face of Geto's twin brother doing those things to you. Geto's face..only made it that much worse. You tried your hardest to pretend it was him instead, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't convince yourself. Geto was dead and what was happening to you was very much real. 

You hadn't stopped shaking after Gojo got you out of there. Not even as you laid flat on the hospital gurney on route to be examined. You hadn't let go of Gojo's hand either. You were afraid if you did, someone would be able to get to you again. You knew if they did, you wouldn't be able to take it. So you squeezed his hand like your life depended on it because, truth be told, it probably did.

The ambulance finally stops moving and the back doors open. A paramedic,  a tall man around 6'2'' and 200 pounds easily, goes to hover over you to remove the gurney from the vehicle and you hear a scream. It takes you a while to realize it was your own. 

"Get away from me!" You shout. You didn't even mean to shout, but it just came out. "Please, don't hurt me!"

The paramedic stares at you with a confused look on his face and Gojo waves him off. "I got it. I'll push the gurney."

The paramedic nods and slowly backs out of the ambulance. Gojo squeezes your hand slightly. "I'm just going to let go for a second so I can push you down the ramp, okay?" He speaks calmly and watches you as the words spill from his mouth.

You nod hesitantly and Gojo slowly pulls his hand free from yours. You feel like crying, but the tears won't come. Gojo slowly moves to stand behind the gurney and unlocks it so he can wheel it out of the ambulance. He sees a nurse waiting for you holding a clip board just outside of the hospital entrance. Gojo follows her and wheels you into the room she enters. 

He reengages the wheel lock on the hospital bed and pulls up a chair to your bedside. He reaches out and you grip his hand as soon as it comes into view. "Please don't let me go" you whisper, feeling your eyes finally start to grow heavy. The adrenaline finally wore off and your tired body and mind were catching up to you.

Gojo just sits there, holding you, and watching the line on your heart monitor. He sees you stir in your sleep and watches the heart monitor spike from 60 to 130 bpm as you relive the horrific events in your sleep. Even at times you appeared calm in your sleep, any time someone would enter the room or sudden noise occurred your heart monitor would jump just the same.

Seeing you break like this pained Gojo and he felt his heart in his stomach as he watched you. He couldn't begin to imagine how you were feeling. He just wanted to ease your pain, but he knew it would only come with time. The doctor knocked on the door and slowly entered the room.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Kasumi and I will be taking care of Y/n today."

Although the doctor spoke quietly, your heart monitor spiked as soon as she opened her mouth. You stir awake and begin shaking immediately and cowering into your bed. Your grip on Gojo's hand tightens and he runs his thumb along the outside of your hand to try and ease your mind. 

"Once I am done examining you, the police will need to speak with you shortly" the doctor says, and you nod slowly.

"Alright Y/n, I really hate to tell you this..but we're going to have to perform a rape kit on you."

in his eyes | satoru gojo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now