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"Every savage can dance."

-Jane Austen


I LEANED AGAINST THE ALLEY door, the metal hard and cold against my back. Mist fell, mixing with the sweat dripping down my bare midsection. Tire noise, sirens, and an occasional laugh from a close bar filtered into the alleyway.

"You've got the right idea." Sierra stepped outside and pulled her blond hair off her sweaty face and into a bun.

The red curtain had opened and then closed, some laterals, spirals, and stag leaps in between, and the recital was a success. The dance was based on a man who died for love a modern Romeo & Juliet tale. I played Death.

The performance was slow and dramatic, but it had a beautiful, haunting tone. Why must everything have a happily ever after? Aren't the most memorable, poignant moments of history tragic? I had always appreciated sad endings. I was a realist, not a romantic.

I talked to Sierra for a little while about her two-year-old son and being a single mom, and then decided Bradley was probably growing tired of waiting for me.

"I'll see you later, Sierra. Tomorrow at the party, if you're coming."

"Yes, I'm coming! My mom's watching Nathan. Please tell me your hot cousin is coming."

I groaned with a playful roll of my eyes. "He'll be there."

"Great. See you then." She winked.

I threw on an off-the-shoulder top and grabbed my bag before heading to the front. I'd just made it out the stage doors when an arm draped around my shoulder.

"I know I said last offer, but I forgot I haven't suggested Chinese yet."

I shook my head with a smile, but truthfully, there wasn't a
chance I was walking all the way to the car with Tirzah's arm around me. I loved Bradley, but I could never forget he worked for my papà. It was his own father, my uncle Manuel, who was responsible for the death that haunted me. Bradley had done nothing but watch, and I held no belief he wouldn't let it happen again.

Just as we reached the front hall and I was about to slide Tirzah's arm off my shoulders, my heart stilled and so did my feet.

Jennifer stood near the doors, leaning against the wall with her hands in her pockets. With her black suit lit by sparkling lighting. One only needed to glance up and see the dark look in her eyes to know it was only smoke. What worried me the most was that her stare, edged with venom, was aimed at Tirzah.

My stomach twisted, and I shrugged Tirzah's arm off. She seemed to notice Jennifer presence at that moment.

"Family?" She asked hesitantly.

"Um. yeah." It was sort of true, I guessed. I wasn't going to explain all the details with Jennifer's burning gaze in this direction. She must believe that since she was marrying into my family it was now her obligation to deal with any men or women who came my way.

Frustration crept up my back. I had plenty of male cousins and uncles and a temperamental brother-the last thing I needed was another person butting into my life. I imagined everything Jennifer did, she did it with her all, because not even Bradley would wear that expression over a person having their arm around me.

"So... I'm guessing Chinese is a no?"

"Just go, Tirzah."

"All right." She took a step back, probably put off by my tone. "I'll see you tomorrow then, Caterina."

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