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The Salvatore-Malfoy family were at King's Cross Station Lucius and Narcissa were hugging Draco and me goodbye "Make sure to focus on your studies" Lucius said "And to write often or we'll send a Howler" Narcissa threatened in a joking manner making us giggle "Okay Aunt Cissa and Uncle Luci" I smiled "Alright off you go before you miss your train" Narcissa lead us to the entrance "Bye!" me and Draco shouted before running into the entrance to reveal the Hogwarts Express

"Wow, that was amazing!" everyone was in awe at the scene "That is an excellent hidden entrance, no one without magic would be able to get in and it's in plain sight as well as a crowded place" Elijah comments

Now on the train I and Draco go find an empty compartment"This one's empty" Draco said walking into one and sitting down I walked in and sat down across from him looking out the window when all of a sudden a knock came to the door "Come in" three people came in "My names Pansy, can we sit with you?" Pansy asked "Sure" I smiled as the three sat down, the two boys sat next to Draco and Pansy sat next to me "My name is Blaise" "And I'm Theo" the boys introduced "Draco" "Maya" a girl cut us off barging into our compartment "Have you seen a toad a boy Neville has lost one," the girl asks but she was met with silence "I'm Hermione Granger" she introduces "I don't care who you are, you need to learn manners you have to knock and wait for someone to tell you to come in otherwise it's rude," I said "B-But" "Get out" I pushed the girl out closing the door "The nerve of her" Pansy commented as the others agree "Oh, Maya you need to drink soon" Draco reminded me "Oh okay" I grabbed my bag exiting the compartment "I'll change into my robes too," I said before I left. 

"That poor girl she was just being nice, Maya didn't have to be rude" Elena frowned "Elena that girl was being rude by barging into their compartment" Stefan stated "But Maya was still being mean by pushing that girl" "Maya was just teaching the girl manners, perhaps you can learn from her" Elijah cut Elena off making everyone chuckle and Elena embarrassed.

Locked in the bathroom I took out a blood bag from a secret compartment and started to drink as my eyes changed and my fangs came out. After having some blood I changed into my robes before walking out of the bathroom bumping into someone "Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I said looking up to see a cute boy "Oh, no it's my fault I hope you're okay" the pretty boy smiled "I'm fine, um I'm Maya Salvatore Malfoy" I introduced "Cedric Diggery" Cedric grabbed my right hand kissing the back of it making me blush "I um should head back to my friends..." I stuttered "Well I won't keep you, it is nice to meet you," Cedric said as he walked away, and once I couldn't see him I turned completely red turning around and headed back to my friends.
Deep growls were heard and everyone looked to Kol and Klaus as they were the ones growling "Relax brothers, she hasn't met you yet she can fall in love with someone else" Rebekah said rolling her eyes "She is OUR soulmate" Kol huffed "And how many people have you been with?" Damon asks raising an eyebrow making both Mikaelson men stop growling and sliding down in their seats pouting causing Elijah to sigh tiredly.
I got off the train along with my friends walking towards the boats "Four per boat" A giant man yelled "You guys go ahead I'll meet you there" Blaise said walking to a different boat as Draco was helping me on the boat and I sit down beside Pansy with Draco and Theo across from us then the boat starts moving towards Hogwarts Castle.
"Wow..." Everyone was amazed seeing Hogwarts "It's gorgeous" Bonnie commented Caroline nodded in agreement
All the students are crowded outside as one of the teachers is standing at the school entrance "Welcome to Hogwarts, the start-of-term banquet will begin shortly but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses the house you will be sorted in will become like a family. There is Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor, and while you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn house points, while rule-breaking will lose house points than at the end of the year we will tally up all the house points and the house with the most point will win the House Cup" Professor McGonagall explained Draco taps my shoulder then points to a boy "Well well so it's true that The Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts" Draco says in astonishment as all the student began gossiping "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" a red head chuckles "Think my name is funny do you red hair hand down robes you must be a Weasley, Harry you don't want to hang around the wrong people I can help you there" Draco puts out his hand "I can tell the wrong sort for my self thanks" Harry said not shaking his hand "He was just trying to be nice" I stood in front of Draco "And since growing up with muggles you would need the advice" I drag Draco behind me twords our friends "Thanks cousin" Draco said "No problem your family, I would do anything for you" I smiled

"Aww" the girls cooed at them "Maya was trying to warn Harry about the Weasly boy" Stefan deduced "I agree" Elijah nodded

Professor McGonagall leads the students to the Great Hall stopping Professor McGonagall turned to the student "Wait here then walk in when your name is called and the sorting hat will be placed onto your head and will announce you Hogwarts House" Professor McGonagall said before walking to into the Hall (Skip to Draco's Turn) "Draco Malfoy" Draco kisses my cheek before he walks in "Slytherin!" Slytherin table claps "Harry Potter" When Harry had the sorting hat on his head I heard him whispering 'not Slytherin not Slytherin' making me angry "Gryffindor!" the Gryffindor table erupted with cheers before they were quite down "Maya Salvatore-Malfoy" everyone started to whisper as I walk up to the chair sitting down before the Sorting Hat was placed onto my head "All Houses!" everyone gasps "Since you fit into all Houses you can choose which one you would like to be in" Professor McGonagall said "I choose...Slytherin!" I smiled as all the Slytherins cheered loudly, taking off the Sorting Hat I walk to my table sitting down with my friends "Now that everyone is sorted let the feast begin!" Dumbledore announced as a lot of food appeared on the table then everyone began eating.

Following our Prefect Gemma Farley into the Slytherin Common Room in the dungeons our Prefect stops in front of us "This is our Common Room only Slytherins are allowed the password is 'Pureblood' Make sure to remember, your rooms are upstairs Boys to the left girls to the right and Professor Snape is our Head Of House and potions teacher who will most likely be the only one who will not be biased to us. We look out for our own as everyone associates us as 'The Bad Snakes' but we look out for each other, all your stuff is already in your room so get unpacked and make sure to get House Points" Gemma explained as everyone rushed off to their rooms. 

(Common Room)


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